Discord ID: 209413388126781440
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hello TW, I'm ironmarch
Rhodes is from South Africa, fyi
vaping is for subhumans
Hell, we're finally beginning to get something real and National Socialist together here in New Sodom, Canada. Leaps and bounds from the stagnation that set in after the B&H/Volksfront feud in the 90s.
@Kombat-Unit Ye, different direction than street activism tho. We're looking at building a self-sufficient IRL community in rural British Columbia, homes, agriculture, basic businesses etc to be a life raft when it all goes down. Similar to what Craig Cobb tried to do without all the retarded fanfare.
Because of Geography here, very difficult to build, let alone sustain some sort of national movement
Yep, we've been studying them as well
Building the foundations for something, a nucleus.
Real life services in addition to camraderie. You need some groceries, car fixed, a place to stay, a job with good people? and so on
You can really pick and choose from it though
2 Articles a night was what I did
Keep it on my kindle, open it up whenever I'm bored
The first 50 pages or so are an excellent history of the National Socialist groups up until Pierce's NA
It's easy to get triggered by the Charles Manson heroism tho if you're not expecting it
Bob are you in American Vanguard?
What happened to the pedophile then
Zehr Gut then
Former leader of AV was a self-confessed pedo with heavy Hentai obsession
Thankfully a coup happeend
Ye, I'm hopeful for them, internal purge + hardlining of propaganda should help things
Don't go the Idenity Evropa route of well
Yeah IE's messages were like something you'd see on some motivational facebook page where 16 year old girl congregate 'Become Who You Are' 'Our Future Belongs to Us'
I think Slavros is planning on opening up an Ironmarch bookstore down the road for stuff like that. Reformatted SIEGE, Mein Kampf, Faith&Action etc with that top-tier design covers
Bloodborne or Dark Souls?
Huge TW fan as well
You ever play the broken crescent mod for M2?
It's like a massive crusades expansion, tons of new factions, new map focusing on the ME.
You can be Latin Empire, Byzantium, Kingdom of Jerusalem, Georgia, Armenia for the Christian factions
Glad I could help ๐
anyone else following this berkley riot
Absolute massive leftist chimpout at America's frankfurt school nucleus over Jewfaggot Milo speech
Full blow riot at this point
oh yes
there's like 6 happening threads atm
I think they actually beat a milo supporter to death
hello where are th eburger
what did he do again?
He's going to get fucked either way because he's a far-rightist goign to court
Probably have been better off if the round had gone through the coon's temple
East Zog vs West Zog
Just look at how hard RT kvetches everytime Balts throw a parade for their SSv vets
>expressed profound surprise at Russia having mosques
Father MATTHEW RAPHAEL JOHNSON will never ever take his slavophile blinders off
I feel the Marx quote of "The captialists will sell us the rope we hang them with" is an apt metaphor for that
Honestly I'd support the Ukrainian side because Russians outside of Russia immediatly turn into La Raza tier spics fellating the homeland
So tl;dr, Ukraine will become to Nazis what Afghanistan was for Al-Qaeda
Biletsky's made speeches about how Azov is laying down the foundations for a pan-European NatSoc force that will exterminate Europe clean
Gonna be hard to do if you have a veteran regiment with tanks at your back
I dont want to learn anything other than english but I'm forced to because I have a euro gf and wont have secret wog languages in my house
How do you accidentaly that?
>letting a she-devil's teeth near the balls
Gimme a sec
so when do we take out IE
*I therefore in this hour appeal to the entire German Volk, but especially to my old comrades in arms and all soldiers to arm themsleves with an even greater, hardened spirit of resistance, until as once before, we may lay on the grave of the dead of this mighty struggle, a wreath with a bow inscribed 'you have triumphed in the end'* -Adolf Hitler's last radio address.
Nice, all that's near me is an army base where the predecessor for the IDF (The Jewish Legion) was trained along with two future Israeli prime ministers
From the thumbnail it looks like he's vaping
Probably because he's on our friends list
*Listen guys, my gf birthed five mulatto children but that was before I met her and she got redpilled. It's all in the past, we've done degenerate stuff, some of us watched porn, some of us smoked weed, some of us were impregnated by niggers repeatedly. She's done ALOT for the movement*
Tucking your cock and balls behind yourself so it looks like a pussy, and dressing up and LARPing as a girl so you can partially live your fantasy of being a pretty girl getting deep-dicked by some chad gets a pass though?
Yes, he was smashing her
Wagering she had a baby-arm of a strap on
I have a Fiance and I'm shitting on Derrick
And I'd rather be a kissless beta virgin instead of some crossdressing faggot getting pegged by his dom mummy gf
Really nigga? He dresses up and LARPs as a woman, you don't think that sexual psychosis goes a bit deeper than 'dress up in pretty clothes and take pictures uWu'
Atomwaffen the other day found out one of our newbloods was a 'former' degenerate who admitted to sleeping with a self-admitted pedophile in the past. Took about 15 seconds from post to ban
KU I'm here to fight, what we arguing about
Muzzies. Don't care that it's not a race, they're all the same ooga booga muh quran niggers who throw spergfits at the slightest opportunity
Gypsies as awful as they are can be discounted as vermin by and large, I want to kill them the same way you'd want to kill a roach infestation but I don't have the same, visceral desire to inflict horrific damage on them like I do with the Islamic world.
I know it's a neo-con meme, but obliterating Mecca under a shower of ICMBs to the point where any shitskin within a 150km of it sprouts tumours like mushrooms after a rain would be great
Then again I have no personal expierences with Gypsies and would probably hate them more if I did
From Morroco to Indonesia they all act the fucking same, just a verminous ideology.
Identity Evrope is explicitly anti-NS and they know we want nothing to do with them
I wish the antifa cuckold who slugged spencer had been a skinhead with brass knuckles
Hitler devotes a large part of MK in the immediate post 1918 years to absolutley trashing the monarchists, moderate nationalists and convservatives as cowardly weaklings looking out for their own interest and spending more time attacking 'extremists who make us look bad' than the actual Bolsheviks
He describes his early speeches as not pandering to the audience, but attacking their beliefs, pissing off the overwhelmingly majority of them but attracting the three or four men who would later don the Brownshirt and armband
Reading about the interwar years indepth and you'll see the similarities today fly out the window. The mainstream was basically just a cover for their actual muscling out of power the rest of the parties.
I mean when Hitler decided to break Red Berlin, he sent *thousands* of SA men there and the Berlin police commisioner was recieving about 15 reports of violence involving them daily
You had the Rollkommando, organized groups of the meanest motherfuckers who wore the armband. They'd don helmets, iron-tipped boots, clubs, brass knuckles and knives and about 30 of them would roll up in cars in front of Marxist pubs and storm in aiming to hospitalize as many as possible
"Well Mr. Nationalist, you played by the rules fair and square and won the election. Here's the oval office, my family and I are off to move to Israel. Sorry bout all the trouble!"
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