Message from @Renegade Royalist

Discord ID: 432163162519896074

2018-04-07 12:05:22 UTC  

they say it's a joke

2018-04-07 12:05:24 UTC  

I mean that's a good response

2018-04-07 12:08:33 UTC  

@Themop would you want to move to the other room and talk about the religion thing though? I'm in one of those odd places where I'm just tired enough to give you good answers on it

2018-04-07 12:15:02 UTC  

>spends the first two minutes trying to cover his ass.
>Proceeds to compairs Peterson to Scientology.
>"*Psychological ideas*" lol phycology not real amiright
>Two minute rant about Hitler
>"Lol phycology isn't scientific because we don't have the knock out studies"
>"Big if true" disregarding the problem with postmodernism and neomarxism. alt hype is a socialist so he might want to defend the commies.
>Literally defending the idea of benevolent dictatorship
>But also freedom and market economies are "white" but socialism is also ok. Because... race... Or something.
>"We're running out of time" -a strange out of place comment
>"Marx never said new socialist man"... No that was Stalin. Why is alt hype so defensive about the commies? 🤔
>Peterson fans are white, therefore Peterson is targeting whites
>individualism/freedom/liberty= bad. so Peterson is bad for whites.
> Non whites act like collectives do white should act like non whites. = White niggers
>Explaining to Peterson fans that IQ is a thing. Gtfo
> "Euroopomorphize non whites" = Racial subjectivism
>Dislikes the "Oppression fairy tales" of blacks and Jews. Whites are the truly oppressed people tho
>Literally refuses to understand postmodernism. (Probably because alt is a right wing postmodernist)
>"Africa is poor because Africans kinda suck" lol

2018-04-07 12:15:05 UTC  

> Literally compares shit he doesn't like to Lord of the rings. Then condemns Peterson for psychoanalytic metaphors like "farther" "mother" "son" calling it pseudoscience. But orks and wormtongue are scientific terms.
>About a minute and a half of spiteful ranting about how "race nationalism is the true reality"
> Calls Petersons analysis "cute"
> Persons ideas are "white ideas" but we should act like niggers.
> "Weird pseudo psychological mysticism... Spiritual nonsense" "It's stupid and retarded and dumb" but orks and Saruman are totally scientific tho.
> Literally calls whites he doesn't agree with psychologically damaged. Because alt hype is the REAL PSYCHOLOGIST here.

2018-04-07 12:17:59 UTC  

@Themop didn't realize you left. Tagged you earlier because I was asking if you wanted to move to like laid back or something if you still had religious questions because I'm just tired enough to answer without second guessing myself xD

2018-04-07 12:18:21 UTC  

if not that's cool but I just thought I should get your preference

2018-04-07 12:19:44 UTC  

@elliseliz id be down to talk some more religion stuff.

2018-04-07 12:19:58 UTC  

ooh cool beans

2018-04-07 12:20:11 UTC  

deuces y'all, promise I'm not "ree"ing

2018-04-07 12:21:37 UTC  

Is he trying to court nerds or something? Why would he make a comparison like that?

2018-04-07 12:24:17 UTC  

Maybe he has some analytics we're unaware of and a large portion of his audience are also interested in The Lord of the Rings? lol

2018-04-07 12:27:24 UTC  

Multicultural within the frame of mutually accepted values, sure. When cultures come in that deny those foundational values, that's when it becomes a problem. It doesn't have to be constrained to race.

2018-04-07 12:27:40 UTC  

Could I interject on the question of nations needing an ethnicity?

2018-04-07 12:32:06 UTC  

I wouldn't say modern leftists are communists

2018-04-07 12:32:09 UTC  

Or at least Marxists

2018-04-07 12:35:18 UTC  

Anglin says we'll just taze all the minorities out of America.

2018-04-07 12:35:59 UTC  

Melanin conducts electricity better so it’d probably work

2018-04-07 12:42:26 UTC  

We implemented a democratic process to avoid political violence, if people are advocating political violence to reach their goals, something isn't right there. It's the paradox of tolerance, we aren't tolerant without limit, the limit is advocating political violence for a radical minority opinion.

2018-04-07 13:02:07 UTC  

Democracy is political violence for the majority opinion though.

2018-04-07 13:05:15 UTC  

That's true, but I don't see a viable alternative to enforcing majority opinion. Much different than enacting violence for a minority opinion.

2018-04-07 13:19:31 UTC  

Majority opinion isn’t always desirable for enforcement.

2018-04-07 13:20:18 UTC  

Being a really good wire puller does not a good political governor make

2018-04-07 14:26:00 UTC

2018-04-07 14:51:02 UTC  

"it should be the goal of any peace loving society to have a population feel safe enough that they see no reason to have weapons, however it should than also be the duty of every citizen within that society to seek to defend the peace the have created"

2018-04-08 01:40:18 UTC  

"maybe maybe maybe"

2018-04-08 01:40:30 UTC  


2018-04-08 01:40:36 UTC  

"actually maybe"

2018-04-08 01:41:01 UTC  

on peut aller loin avec des si