
Discord ID: 298984743415054337

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>spends the first two minutes trying to cover his ass.
>Proceeds to compairs Peterson to Scientology.
>"*Psychological ideas*" lol phycology not real amiright
>Two minute rant about Hitler
>"Lol phycology isn't scientific because we don't have the knock out studies"
>"Big if true" disregarding the problem with postmodernism and neomarxism. alt hype is a socialist so he might want to defend the commies.
>Literally defending the idea of benevolent dictatorship
>But also freedom and market economies are "white" but socialism is also ok. Because... race... Or something.
>"We're running out of time" -a strange out of place comment
>"Marx never said new socialist man"... No that was Stalin. Why is alt hype so defensive about the commies? 🤔
>Peterson fans are white, therefore Peterson is targeting whites
>individualism/freedom/liberty= bad. so Peterson is bad for whites.
> Non whites act like collectives do white should act like non whites. = White niggers
>Explaining to Peterson fans that IQ is a thing. Gtfo
> "Euroopomorphize non whites" = Racial subjectivism
>Dislikes the "Oppression fairy tales" of blacks and Jews. Whites are the truly oppressed people tho
>Literally refuses to understand postmodernism. (Probably because alt is a right wing postmodernist)
>"Africa is poor because Africans kinda suck" lol

> Literally compares shit he doesn't like to Lord of the rings. Then condemns Peterson for psychoanalytic metaphors like "farther" "mother" "son" calling it pseudoscience. But orks and wormtongue are scientific terms.
>About a minute and a half of spiteful ranting about how "race nationalism is the true reality"
> Calls Petersons analysis "cute"
> Persons ideas are "white ideas" but we should act like niggers.
> "Weird pseudo psychological mysticism... Spiritual nonsense" "It's stupid and retarded and dumb" but orks and Saruman are totally scientific tho.
> Literally calls whites he doesn't agree with psychologically damaged. Because alt hype is the REAL PSYCHOLOGIST here.

2018-07-29 23:51:22 UTC [Rhetoric™ #voice-related]  


2018-07-29 23:53:16 UTC [Rhetoric™ #voice-related]  


2018-07-29 23:53:45 UTC [Rhetoric™ #voice-related]  


2018-07-29 23:54:11 UTC [Rhetoric™ #voice-related]  


2018-07-29 23:54:41 UTC [Rhetoric™ #voice-related]  


2018-07-29 23:56:19 UTC [Rhetoric™ #voice-related]  


2019-02-16 02:10:49 UTC [Subverse #new-member-alert]  

2019-02-16 02:14:42 UTC [Subverse #bot-commands]  


2019-02-16 12:44:33 UTC [Subverse #shitposting]  


2019-02-16 13:36:23 UTC [Subverse #shitposting]  


2019-02-16 13:38:26 UTC [Subverse #dank-memes-only]  

Image of jesus casts the soy demon out of soyboi


2019-02-21 18:46:25 UTC [Subverse #firearms-chat]  

Hi-point is best pistol
Change my mind

new greens


@Skolhamarr i asked him to

budda is not happy

leaked image of right wing death squads preping to purge libs


359 total messages. Viewing 100 per page.
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