Message from @B1488
Discord ID: 301465049728417792
Antisemitism, while I am not very openly aggressive about, is fortunately a BIG player in my assesment of situations, so I don't really get caught off guard by this sort of thing
The jq is really undeniable I think at this point and when one looks at past similar situations.
I grew up in probably the highest population of jews outside of Israel, Matt can probably attest to the amount in Maryland as well.
Very familiar with their behaviors.
Hopefully Matt isn't a Jew.
I don't think anyone with any amount of semitic blood would be honestly involved in this movement
I wouldn't say that, but I've seen his money management habits and he's definitely no Jew. 😄
I grew up in south florida, and spent all my time at a church in boca raton
I've been to like, 8-12 passover dinners with orthodox jews, half the time it was a whole big to do that i was there
The JQ has always been kinda ...obvious to me in terms of "Yea no, these are not the same ppl"
So for pikeville.... I know we got Shoah'd from the start park. But are we still bringing non perishable food items ?
And where are we all meeting that Friday?
I am a new member of the Traditionalist Workers Party.
Welcome to the party, comrade!
Thanks. Glad to be w/ my fellow comrades as well! Cannot wait to get started.
Welcome comrade!
I am looking at my area, Las Vegas, and Im looking into areas where I can somewhat easily distribute the materials I have received.
I know there is UNLV and CSN though those Campuses are very left leaning (I certainly know UNLV is).
The more left-leaning the better.
And that will, paradoxically, be where more altright/nationalist kids will be.
Exactly. Hell a Campus Conservatives group is soon to start there as well.
The conservative commuter colleges are largely comprised of single moms trying to be nurses and chads just trying to learn a trade. It's the liberal arts campuses which are political battlegrounds.
Just gotta get out there this Wednesday (since Im off).
Also, I make memes regularly.
Any Comrades in Las Vegas?
We have one other registered party member in Vegas.
Let me try to get him on Discord or get you two in touch by email.
I see. Alright.
anyone alie?
What's up brother
I am
sup crackers
Kids are getting ready for bed, housewillbe quietsoon
I'm in that process right now, my little one is finally going down
Sorry,keyboard isa mess