Message from @HoppetillyouDroppe
Discord ID: 287832884914683915
Goyim knows.
Would recommend making a kite shield or scrutum
none of that small as round shield bullshit
oval sheild master race
big shields block more dummies
Yeah, buckelers ate bad for riots
make sure you get WOW level of shoulder pads
Goodnight all
got that IRL raid at the witches din
I'm an autistic loser with no friends will someone be my friend
i want to MAGA
>Helmet: $200 max. Go to your local military surplus shop and pickup a tactical kevlar helmet for around $150. If you want a deus vult style helm lookup your local medieval combat society. The two best are The Empire of Medieval Pursuits and The Society for Creative Anachronism. They can hook you up with people to make you full helms in crusader fashion for around $200.
>Goggles: Any safety goggles will work. If they're good enough for mechanics they're good enough for your face. A nice set runs around $50 max.
>Mask: Any respirator or "gas mask" is going to work here. A nice 3M respirator can run $200 but will be well worth it. For people who are strapped for cash but still want to smack Antifa with sticks you can use a shemagh. Get one at a military surplus shop. Coat it in vinegar before you put it on. Just in case they try to use tear gas.
>Shield: You can make this out of anything. Get creative.
>Weapon: Get creative.
get /fit/
Also make sure to get milsurp riot armor
Deus vult are bad, usually. be sure helms have good padding
Not required but a nice bonus
I'm out of shape too
roids buddy
and endless burpess
Best weapon should be your shield
I live in mexico
Shields are great for bashing
I should be able to get good roids here right?
Did someone say Great Helm?
Any1 know about roid cycles?
I don't want to be too dependent on it
but I'm skinny fat
Lift weights if you aren't already you fags
>taking drugs
and have no muscle mass
Don't take drugs like a nigger. Lift weight and eat protein
Get enough sleep
That's it
Fuck that
If i'm gonna gain muscle I want maximum gains
You need actual strength, not show muscles
Actual strength comes from lifting weights and eating protein