Message from @HyperBaroque
Discord ID: 544685501437968384
n like radio wise our broadcasts have only gone roughly 245 light years in every direction so like not even to the closest circle to the sun in that map
so like communication wise these r really the only stars we can try to contact in this area
so tdlr short
we r in mid of nowhere not surprising spaceships cant reach us
theres no way aliens are visiting earth
Of course aliens won't visit Earth, it's flat
Who knows what if you're the alien @Human Sheeple
Illegal alien maybe you might be right
What's with the y2k deus ex avatar?
Whats with your avatar with a sheep
Sheep watching swirly brainwash on a TV
Well mines alex jones as jc denton
ha ha good one
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Are aliens out there....yes
Have they visited earth..... no idea....
I haven't seen convincing evidence of an extraterrestrial presence near Earth or in our solar system. But I don't rule it out.
first succsful (spel) cesium test for nanotech
@HyperBaroque what about the men that were stationed in the us missile launch sites during the nuke race with russia that allegedly have more than 100 sightings of space crafts during their time there? Actual visits and interference with the electronics of those sites...
They could have been told to say that.
@yourLORD Not only could those missilemen been commanded or paid to say those things to serve some agenda, but, also, any person's testimony in any capacity as to sightings or close encounters doesn't converge with my own experience at any point (not even approaching infinity).
As I said: I haven't seen convincing evidence of an extraterrestrial presence near Earth or in our solar system. But I don't rule it out.
How could we even interact with another alien species though? I imagine this because we can't communicate with any other living species on the planet without just teaching it to do shit for us like dogs. But, I get that if aliens were to come here at all they would have to have some sort of direction as we do (like our idea of progress with technology and exploration) but it's really hard to imagine that another planet with completely unheard of circumstances compared to our planet created beings that do very similar things as us. I don't think it's impossible, it just seems unlikely that if there were any, that they'd be close enough to get here in any timely manner for them to be able to be motivated to come here for any selfish reason.
I don't rule out the possibility of this happening, and I really would like it to be the case, but idk, man
How would we interact
Depends on what form and how they come
What they look like what their capable of
The film "The Arrival" tackles this subject pretty well imho. The scientists have to figure out how to form a shared basis for communication with a vastly different e.t. species.
The book "The Ambidextrous Universe" attempts to tackle this problem as well.
Whoa that sounds cool. I'll probably look into it, I've never heard any solution to that at all; even a bad one
In The Ambidextrous Universe, it is concluded that a certain isotope of cobalt can be used because it always emits electrons from one pole relative to its spin.
From this you can say "in", "out", "left", "right", "up", "down", etc. and from basic 3 dimensional descriptions build up the rest of a shared language.
*a certain isotope of cobalt always emits *more* electrons from one pole than the other, relative to spin
I agree that it seems very improbable any E.T. would have [any] reason to come to this part of the galaxy. The only reason I can think of would be if they had been here before, or had discovered life here by accident, either originating here or having passed by looking for some kind of resource, or maybe having sent a probe through the area.
Yeah, that makes it seem more likely imo with them originating life here. I think I'll actually look into getting that book.
regarding like interaction the catch 22 though is like if aliens are sophisticated enough to actually get here be it different dimention or from.a few light years away, like they will be so far advanced past us other than a direct interest in our cukture and our ways they like dnt technically need to interact with us for very much if at all.
The book only touches on the talking with e.t. thought experiment cery briefly. Overall the book is about things like symmetry, chirality, handedness, convention, that sort of thing. It covers subjects from the micro to macroscopic, including galactic scale and universal scale, and in later editions I believe some subjects in quantum physics.