Message from @GrizzlyGuerilla☉♉♈☽♌♍
Discord ID: 555562469851004930
I dnt see why doctors should assume
mfw michelle more hung than you <:sadcat:511590629856378901>
doc might try to find something totally diff with that question that one thinks
Obama does not look mixed race at all
how is instagram still down
what is even going on
@tamara he is
Black phenotypic traits are very strong
facebook was down earlier too.
It still does not excuse the fact that it’s not everyone’s business if someone is gay, straight, lesbian, asexual, bisexual, or etc.
The ultimate dominant genes
@tamara he's light skinned. he has white blood
Any other gene in comparison is a recession gene
You know that most of us are not even natives right? You’re only native if you have 100% Native American in you and there is barely anyone with 100% in them anymore
did merica try breed them out?
aussies thought we could fk them white
natives invaded america from asia tho
so they are actually not natives
earths earth it shouldnt matter hu lives where n hu owns what land etc, u got born on earth earth is urs
o snap <:doge:511590627860021258>
Canelo knocked Khan da fuck out
you will not convince me lol
That is just an un flattering shoe
blind to the blatantly obvious, classic
yeah people are always saying michelle obama is a man.
tbh she looks abit manly on the right picture
but i dont believe that
Oy vey