
Discord ID: 243020645292703754

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Wtf is wrong with them

Adolfs gf


@booshibonton i have asthma

Yh so?

Why should u go to heaven?

@NiCKeLeSS all good!

I thought it was a discussion not a debate

Whatever suits ur truth

Only a narcissist would say things are self evident without a shred of truth

Its self evident that u need to breath to live

Not so self evident to say an elite class is in on something

Thats a conspiracy

And i would much rather talk abt things that have actually occurred then infer things to have supposedly happened

Ur dishonest sir because in a discussion you adhere to burden of proof

But to avoid that u said it was a discussion

Now that u want to win

Its a debate

Well dnt worry

Im not here to win

Tho tbh

That was

Self evident.


Damn are u that salty

I already said if u want to win u can

U child



Jeez grizzly im not even interacting with you yet youโ€™re still bothered by me

I told u to fuck off

Respect my sovereignty

Is that incense?

Oh what are you? @POGGMATHON

Ah i see


I had shakshouka today

Best breakfast

Protein rich

@Grookey grookey is a good boi. I also like sobble


Do u wear a dress?


I didnโ€™t wear a dress today

I wore sweatpants

Those dresses are ugly

@GrizzlyGuerillaโ˜‰โ™‰โ™ˆโ˜ฝโ™Œโ™ i was focusing on the colours and the design, they are ugly. I couldnโ€™t give a toss!

Dear me

This is all so hateful

Just because i said โ€œuโ€™ll never find love hahaโ€


Dear me

Ive been muted

Muted again


Im flat


Or am i



<:superprayer:473839878883377162> <:solascriptura:473839845580603392> <:evangelical:473839490494889996>





Joe is innocent in all of this


Everyone really likes talking about circumcision here

I already said i dnt support it but if its something my husband wants to do then it will happen

I say that because i come from middle eastern bg but hopefully my husband doesnโ€™t really care ( i dnt think the new generation does as much anymore )

It was more so something my grandparents endorsed

Not because of religion but moreso because of medical reasons. Are you surprised? They were feeding children cocaine syrup in the early 1900s

Ive already explained my stance on it multiple times and it definitely doesnโ€™t indicate child abuse


Theres no point listening to someone who has so much hatred in their heart

So just ignore it

Then we would just be accused of war crimes too

Jesus never hated anyone

So we cant hate anyone either

Ok thats fine

Yes fighting in self defence is acceptable

The coptics never established any sort of theocracy so we dnt have any military power

We are supposed to have a secular govt in egypt

But ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ๐Ÿคท๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

@GrizzlyGuerillaโ˜‰โ™‰โ™ˆโ˜ฝโ™Œโ™ thats not true lol im in another server and armos gone to bed. Can you like relax?

U make this server so hostile for me for no reason

Why do u have to be so hateful

I dnt even go into the same vc as you anymore

Ur entitled to ur opinion and me to mine hyper

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