Message from @Mai
Discord ID: 426403689239019521
The shooter i mean
Yeah, i like how SOOO many of their classmates dont agree with them, one kid literally said guns arent the issue in a CNN interview, they never interviewed him again.
They only interview the kids who agree with them.
That's the thing they don't realize is that by then pushing these kids the way they are it just makes kids hate them
The fact they take the ugliest female they could a person possibly found not only that but it's pretty evident she would have protested against anything
They searched for a le 56% lesbian with a Hispanic name to push their agenda.
The amount of grooming theyperform on them is pretty obvious too
Especially hogg
Id love to bully him
His arms are so thin its creepy.
Does muscle even exist or is it dead cartilage?
Look at his Biceps
he looks like a paraplegic standing up
like his arms atrophied
His head is so big
His forearms are massive compared to his Biceps
excessive masturbation
Like a bobblehead
If your forearms are bigger than your biceps, either you are a cartoon character, or very, very underweight in muscle.
or just jacks off constantly
Her arms are 4x his in size.
Her muscle is so much larger.
This is the modern man.
add a couple neck tattoos and bleach her skin, she could pass for Johan
Lmfao, legit.
inb4 johan is a crisis actor
Literally me today, i am in a weird Libertarian mood, like MUH FREEDOM, MUH GUNS, MUH INDEPENDENCE type of mood
Gun Porn
Those are the arms of a male whos never done anything physical in his life
Do I have a nickname yet
What did they arrest him for?