Message from @khaos156-WV
Discord ID: 318530185911599114
< Jason Philbin for anyone who cares.
trs facebook group is probably closely monitored..
'JONATHON MORGAN' a.k.a gati works for mediamatters and wash post
would't be suprised, I'm already a known person so not the biggest deal for me.
Yeah this is pretty much what I expected
We need to get off the faceberg
can't promise I can drag everyone here lol
It needs to be a concerted effort
I know I am learning hacking w/ RPi3.
Maybe I can find a way to get (((Face-Kike))) off of us.
I like the idealism
RPi3? I do threat mitigation and security analysis for a living.
Cool and its Raspberry Pi 3
Hi from australia
I have it set up for Kali and hello @franksfrank
First time on discord
also, hey
@khaos156-WV yea. About to get it onto my VGA screen
Then I can finally get screen time w/ it
Oh shit I should run Kali on my Rpi
@I'm Not Sam Hyde Yea. Its best if you get a RPi 3
That's what I got, getting another soon.
Im soon to also get a RPi Zero.
And make it into a FM Radio.
Soon, I'd like to start working on a home media server
Rackmoint in the basement and run output throughout the house
Yeah, it's been a goal for a while
I basically do not touch hardware. I know logic programming etc but hardware isn't my thing. Soon.
Why am I not listed as TWP?
there fixed
What's up Jtt
Nada. Getting some editing done, compiling all of my writing and notes to oneplace.