Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 493869524412792862
I like CathJuche a lot as well
Juche gang
spend ten racks on a new poster
I dont suck his dick. And I've seen lectures on him and his works and ideas. @tao lin Im not a nihilist nor was he. @Deleted User
all memes aside
what the fuck
What's cathjuche?
Oh catholic juchism <:GWcorbinTopKek:384871333705678868>
Police are like garbagemen, taking out the trash.
@Mr. X I know it was bait because people (ignorant ones anyway) refer to him as a nihilist due to his stance on religion and society Jeff Bezos must be stopped
@Deleted User what?
it was a stupid joke
Christianity isn't real.
But it is
if you are chr*stian
you support jewry
saying bad things about america is racist
>repeatedly preached against Pharisees and the Jewish law
>was murdered by Jews
>specifically overturned large parts of Jewish law in order to form a new faith
>”HuRr DuRr ChRiStIaNiTy is JeWiSh!!!1”
(19) Race: it is a feeling and not a reality; 95 %, a feeling. (E. Ludwig, Talks with Mussolini, London, Allen and Unwin, 1932, p. 75).
Now I know what makes America so special
This is why its the best country in the world
The International Jew is the main cause of many problems in the modern world
Read Culture of Critique
cringe and bluepilled
class > race
I'm not supposed to align with someone who believes what I believe, and has the same values, because he owns land and I have to pay to live on it
But I am supposed to align with someone who wants to destroy what I am, because he too, is poor
Sounds legit
>class can be reduced down to owning land
>yep we’re in feudalism man
cringe takes
Tito is the greatest man alive