Message from @Jmg4321
Discord ID: 494160856968593411 Jeff Bezos must be stopped
@Deleted User what?
it was a stupid joke
Christianity isn't real.
But it is
if you are chr*stian
you support jewry
saying bad things about america is racist
>repeatedly preached against Pharisees and the Jewish law
>was murdered by Jews
>specifically overturned large parts of Jewish law in order to form a new faith
>”HuRr DuRr ChRiStIaNiTy is JeWiSh!!!1”
(19) Race: it is a feeling and not a reality; 95 %, a feeling. (E. Ludwig, Talks with Mussolini, London, Allen and Unwin, 1932, p. 75).
Now I know what makes America so special
This is why its the best country in the world
Read Culture of Critique
cringe and bluepilled
class > race
I'm not supposed to align with someone who believes what I believe, and has the same values, because he owns land and I have to pay to live on it
But I am supposed to align with someone who wants to destroy what I am, because he too, is poor
Sounds legit
>class can be reduced down to owning land
>yep we’re in feudalism man
cringe takes
Tito is the greatest man alive
Don't be autistic
I used it as one example of class
What I said obviously applies to all markers for class
I have more in common with someone of my culture that is of a different class, than someone in the same class of a different culture
Tell the homosexual worker to unite with the Mohammedan worker who wants to kick him off of a roof
tell the feminist to unite with the Mohammedan who wants to cover her face. Oh wait, she'd actually love that
bad example
But you get the point