Message from @patron Saint of EATIN
Discord ID: 412638002695897118
Yeahs going to take time your doing great is scary tho. Remember it’s literally all in your head
Your mind just likes to play games
Yeah I try to remind myself of that so I don’t think I’m dying
It sucks, cos I used to be super hard charger, went around the world with the navy, etc. It wasn't until two years after I separated that I had my first panic attack, or any conscious anxiety at all.
I refer to it as my nervous breakdown
I was 28
Being around fellow comrades probably masked that symptom
Just got super dizzy and anxious fuck
My heart is going crazy
In thru your nose
Slow release thru your lungs
And out of your mouth
I do shallow breathe when I’m concentrating
Idk how to stop it
Yeah I feel that @patron Saint of EATIN
I challenge it to kill me
And if I don't die within a few minutes
I do the breathing thing
Of course it's still there
But it's a decent mental exercise
Meditation helps put you in place. Just feeling. No thinking. Just being
Idk how to meditate
Never been able to
I guess it's always my approach to challenge things to death battles lmao
It’s just an opportunity for my mind to go to war with itself
Nah you can learn how. It takes a lot of time and practice.
Even I eventually learned how to somewhat do it
Idk how to learn correctly
I’m open to it
It helps to have someone close by who can guide you. Maybe sign up for a yoga or some other class? Just one time? You don't have to wear the stretchy pants, just gym clothes.
Try the insight timer app
And you can do it by yourself and learn
Classes are good to
That’s a possibility
Insight timer?
I’ll download it
Yes that’s the app name
You have to wear the stretchy pants