Message from @george murray

Discord ID: 487802267257274369

2018-09-08 01:49:26 UTC  

@TrueComradeVirginia so you're not sticking to your values because I broke them

2018-09-08 01:49:27 UTC  


2018-09-08 01:49:41 UTC  

We've got a real high IQ troll here guys

2018-09-08 01:49:44 UTC  

better be careful

2018-09-08 01:50:11 UTC  

he deleted his post about not caring about it because of what I said

2018-09-08 01:50:19 UTC  

this is why you screencap everything

2018-09-08 01:50:26 UTC  

Why do you even care that much

2018-09-08 01:51:01 UTC  

@george murray didn't you support those people earlier?

2018-09-08 01:51:12 UTC  

bi polar

2018-09-08 01:51:14 UTC  

different mugshot set dumbass

2018-09-08 01:51:25 UTC  

oh so you support different antifascists

2018-09-08 01:51:27 UTC  


2018-09-08 01:51:34 UTC  

those arnet the ones I used to say antifa wasn't white

2018-09-08 01:51:42 UTC  

and I just said antifa wasn't white, not I support them.

2018-09-08 01:51:45 UTC  

I just care about the facts.

2018-09-08 01:51:52 UTC  

I am realpolitik basically

2018-09-08 01:51:58 UTC  

I don't care about your emotions.

2018-09-08 01:52:01 UTC  

ok good so you admit you are cancer

2018-09-08 01:52:03 UTC  

Capitalism works.

2018-09-08 01:52:09 UTC  

doesn't matter because it's all been screencapped

2018-09-08 01:52:11 UTC  

Wish upon a star socialist

2018-09-08 01:52:14 UTC  
2018-09-08 01:52:44 UTC  

okay screencap all of virginia's posts because before you know it they'll all be gone

2018-09-08 01:52:46 UTC  

Then why are countries that have higher socialized institutions usually a lot more succesful than ancap wastelands like some US states?

2018-09-08 01:53:20 UTC  

Capitalism only works for Capitalism, not for the people.

2018-09-08 01:54:17 UTC  

You americans have the biggest "muh small gubernment" fetishes out of any capitalist country

2018-09-08 01:54:17 UTC  

How can a state

2018-09-08 01:54:18 UTC  

be ancap

2018-09-08 01:54:19 UTC  


2018-09-08 01:54:39 UTC  

No Americans don't.

2018-09-08 01:54:46 UTC  

it was a hyperbole, you might have head about that one in 5th grade

2018-09-08 01:55:09 UTC  

America has way too much government

2018-09-08 01:55:11 UTC  

its not small

2018-09-08 01:55:20 UTC  

But you wet your panties at the thought

2018-09-08 01:55:34 UTC  

@TrueComradeVirginia so wait I was digging through your messages
you work in brooklyn
and manhattan
and virginia

2018-09-08 01:55:34 UTC  

you don't actually do it because when you do everything falls apart pretty quick

2018-09-08 01:55:38 UTC  

because I am ANCOM, not anCAP, reject

2018-09-08 01:56:07 UTC  

and because conservatives are lying about their political agenda like 99% of the time

2018-09-08 01:56:36 UTC  

and only dummies and deluded libertarians think that actually does any good for anyone but the richest