
Discord ID: 487792309484912672

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I'm a lefty, but I don't think you should call people intelligence insults comrade.

Ive literally been here forever just inactive, I completely agree with you guys.

But you shouldn't be ableist.

Its like saying you fucking n-word, just because the guys black etc.

Words like moron, idiot, etc are problematic dude, seriously. A lot of people have problems with intelligence that aren't due to ignorance, but physical/mental development.

Retard isn't okay for example.

It promotes an atmosphere of ableism dude

I'm just trying to stop problematic bigoted shit against marginalized people

Ive been a unionist activist for 15 years

I'm 38 now

You are fucked in the head, disgusting behavior.

So why don't you shut up, kid?

Ive been a socialist a lot longer.

Than you have lived.

It never was.

Someone disagrees with you, so they are a government infiltrator? Great logic dude.

I'm literally just here to address the intelligence IQ stuff he said

I'm a working class labor activist sitting in my fucking room in a 300 rent apartment

This is what violent shit will bring you

I'm just a peaceful activist

Reject violence and lets promote our ideals peacefully

Ive been doing it for longer than you edgy kids have been alive, and Ive gotten a lot of change and improved conditions

And what has it brought your comrades? They are in serious trouble, I am socialist but don't support violence.

Use the ballot not the bullet

I'm driving home atm

trying to

Why do you support violence, do you see it will change nothing?

We need a mass democratic movement, and honestly capitalism isn't *that* bad, we should fight mainly for wages and reform

not a complete destruction of the system.

Capitalist lifted me out of poverty, as a communist.

And my family and friends.

The system needs to change but not in the ways you want.

Ive matured dude, I've grown up

Its time for you to do the same

The FBI isn't even a political organization, it just protects Americans and many citizens. There is no political agenda. As long as you are peaceful why would they (I'm nto them) bother you

I support the IWW but I don't agree with their more extreme actions or attacking strike breakers

You said I was

It's not illegal to be a socialist in the USA, but its illegal to advocate something likely to lead to immediate violence. And sedition isn't allowed.

You cant advocate to overthrow the US government for example

rightfully so.

This is a fallacious argument, when most people say free speech they mean from the government. The NFL is a private corporation, not government.

1st amendment.

For example, the police cant arrest you for burning the flag or being a little dipshit, but if you want to be an anti-American edgy little fucking commie cocksucker, and someone beats your ass over it and stops you, that's not a violation of the first amendment.

@DA GOMMIE JOO All I said was its illegal for the government to take away your free speech, but not a private organization or citizen

"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances."

@DA GOMMIE JOO I work out of Virginia

Congress shall not make laws, not something about the NFL

@DA GOMMIE JOO anyway do you understand now?

Nice strawman dude

The founders put regulations on tradeand the market, @Geamr so its a bullshit strawman, I never said they should be allowed to do anything, I said its not a violation of 1st amendment free speech

that's all

stop adding shit

@Geamr all I'm saying is its not a violation of American free speech (the 1st amendment) for the NFL to stop people form kneeling

hypocritical fucker

@DA GOMMIE JOO I cant find those anymore in search

I literally live very close to Manhattan, I'm working class but even a lot of gentrifying people came here from Manhattan and live here in Brooklyn because its so easy, on some days like Sun-Wednesday theres very little business in the parts of Manhattan I sell hotdogs, sandwiches, etc in, so I go back to the parks in Brooklyn. This is how I originally started working, but now I tend to do more profitable electrician working with my cousin and small group in Virginia. But I still sell hotdogs, sodas, etc when I'm home

I'm curious, what's your job you neet basement dwelling fuck

another university marxist

Yeah man but are you here in the states as well?

Because your grammar

why screenshot that?

exposed this clown

clearly not

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