Message from @Oliver
Discord ID: 416018828770934794
I’m gonna put up some more today! Probably gonna head over to some local college.
Nice! Thanks. Remember that general gets wiped a lot and I scroll through this channel for socmedia posts.
Right on! I’ll post my next flyering on here today!
Fuck it I’m gonna hit a college
Wish me luck
@Oliver Stay safe.
I’m stopping by a thrift store to grab a hat,
We good fam
Normie casual
still doing more
University Of Massachusetts, Dartmouth
@Thomas Ryan all of my posters are up! Ran out
University Of Massachusetts Dartmouth, in Dartmouth Massachusetts
@Thomas Ryan I didn't get a chance to see any of the UHCL pics from Sunday night. Any idea if youll post some on here?
They didn't come out well. We'll have to try again.
aw shucks
well that just means we get to have some more fun!
What did y'all do?
Some postering at a college down here.
I have a guy I know from I.E who’ll send us the email if Umass Dartmouth sends out its “inclusivity” email
Is black and white acceptable for posters? Or should I run to staples or something and get color copies
B&W is fine, color is preferred.
Ok. I'm gonna print some of the mono-color posters in B&W for now, and I'll try to get the flashier ones done at a staples or a library sometime soon