Message from @Geamr

Discord ID: 518522070754263061

2018-12-01 19:23:29 UTC  

All mexicans line up

2018-12-01 19:23:38 UTC  

por que?

2018-12-01 19:24:15 UTC  

que quieras?

2018-12-01 19:25:10 UTC  

Line up so they can march on the border and flood through into America. White genocide can't come soon enough hahaha

2018-12-01 19:25:29 UTC  


2018-12-01 19:29:40 UTC  

Good luck dodging bullets, peasants.

2018-12-01 19:30:15 UTC

2018-12-01 19:31:36 UTC  

besides, trump and great civilians arent afraid of a mexican spill.

2018-12-01 19:32:30 UTC  

Especially since a wall will probably be made after his reelection

2018-12-01 19:32:48 UTC  

do you not see the fucking picture

2018-12-01 19:32:58 UTC  

I do, I simply dont care

2018-12-01 19:35:22 UTC  

@Runi cool pic mu dude

2018-12-01 19:56:48 UTC  


2018-12-01 19:57:08 UTC  

Ayo we wuz aztecs n shiet i swear to god mayne

2018-12-01 19:58:09 UTC

2018-12-01 20:03:08 UTC  

I miss 2012 ;(

2018-12-01 20:12:37 UTC  

Has anyone seen the New goblin slayer?

2018-12-01 20:18:05 UTC  

@Yu and Mika is that what they call border patrol now?

2018-12-01 20:18:25 UTC  

@PugSlugger It's anime.

2018-12-01 20:18:33 UTC  

And how are Weeabos communist??

2018-12-01 20:21:35 UTC  

Have you not seen that tank girl show

2018-12-01 20:39:50 UTC  

love his book recommendations

2018-12-01 20:39:58 UTC  

pretty good

2018-12-01 20:42:32 UTC  


2018-12-01 20:42:35 UTC  

E U is fucking he World

2018-12-01 20:43:22 UTC  

I vow to fight the EU

2018-12-01 20:51:32 UTC  

@Geamr speak

2018-12-01 20:51:33 UTC  

How about just reforming copyright so it is compatible with the 21st century instead of mandating businesses to enforce archaic law structure with methods that are vaguely defined and potentially extremely disruptive

2018-12-01 20:57:20 UTC  

I think this is more a problem of technological ignorance and the inability to radically transform

2018-12-01 20:58:31 UTC  

So they end up with these huge patchworks of corporate interests and naive reforms that push the problem to the future at best

2018-12-01 20:59:07 UTC  

government is full of old timers

2018-12-01 20:59:09 UTC  

full bureaucrats

2018-12-01 20:59:23 UTC  

have no expertise in any other field

2018-12-01 20:59:27 UTC  

that's where the problem lies

2018-12-01 20:59:32 UTC  

we need younger blood

2018-12-01 20:59:48 UTC  

and they need to be skilled in a field

2018-12-01 21:03:18 UTC  

Not necessarily. You just need politicians with ideals and the will to represent them. Then you can come to better decisions with the information you gather from experts, lobbies and the people

2018-12-01 21:03:36 UTC  

Fuck realpolitik

2018-12-01 21:06:10 UTC  

Tl;dr we need more lenins in the world. Hopefully not right wing lenins though, that would be awful.