
Discord ID: 314869474844999680

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Is Rage Against The Machine the go to band choice for /leftypol/?

I don't think he knows the difference between rp and ooc

Look at those Kulaks whoring themselves out to facists.

T-series are Indian facists.

He was trying to infiltrate by appealing to the bourgeoisie.

He's a DemSoc Swed through and through.

It's 4D chess

Better yet don't.

Again, appealing to the fascist sensibilities. Take a look at your first link. You don't realize the beautiful symbolism with in. Felix is trying to relate to the bourgeoisie. Those two oppressed prolitarians are doing anything for money, and Felix is looking on through the perspective of your typical bourgeoisie. They get a kick out of seeing the prolitarian suffer and do what they can to get by off the conditions capitalism has forced them into. The intricacies of the metaphors expressed in his videos are Mensa level quality. Your typical Fash wouldn't understand, so I wouldn't be surprised you don't understand. He is making a statement.


It's easy to claim to be something.



Like Lemmy from Motorhead?



Nazbol gang

Isn't Lenin an anime character?


@Buy me a pc Bioshock shows the wonders of Libertarianism

Private prisons are in favor of slavery.


I think we all already assumed that.

2018-11-26 06:48:03 UTC [/leftypol/ International #german]  


Gas furfags

2018-11-26 06:58:35 UTC [/leftypol/ International #german]  

The Swiss don't have opinions

2018-11-26 07:37:30 UTC [/leftypol/ International #english]  

Nihilism doesn't necessarily mean you think everything is doom and gloom, though it has been used most commonly that way. Nihilism is the belief that there is no greater meaning to life or the events occurring around us. That doesn't restrict you from making your own meaning in life. That's Nietzsche in your pfp right? I'm pretty sure that's the conclusion he came to. Find your own meaning, but then again I've not really read his work so correct me if I'm wrong. By definition Nihilism doesn't mean you can't find your own meaning no matter how false it maybe, but again people don't typically look at it that way.

Also, you're right about liberals not actually being liberal. If they did they'd believe in a free market and not actively seek to suppress rights, just to start.

Well of course we do!

I am a witness to sexual harassment in the workplace.

It all went wrong when we let them marry.


Last names polish, but I'm not actually of the bloodline. My grandfather was adopted I'm pretty sure.

Poland is awesome though ๐Ÿ˜Ž

Commonwealth Poland is best Poland.


Winged Hussars n shiet

Russia has always been a poison to Poland.

Can we agree Serbia sucks ass tgo?

That shot some dude and started the worst chain of events in history.

A primitivist revolution is hard work.

Grug dismantle bourgeoisie

Varg Vikernes

Because he's a nihilist and doesn't want to admit it.



REEEEE cultural marxism

There's some repressed feelings I'm sensing here.

SocDem. I'm interested in learning about Anarchism n shit though.

"Hop in buckaroo"

They do

Facts not feelings

Irish are trash Scots

My mom's a Christian tard so that wasn't an option.

It's the way of the future

That's a generalization but ok


"Better dead than red."

What music?

*lofi hip hop beats*

*Chill study lofi music*

With an anime girl on the thumbnail

You seem more like a nightcore fag

K-Pop is the worst the bourgeoisie has to offer the prolitarian

True true

@Mr. X Listens to the born in the wrong generation music.

Should've told me. Metallicas good.

It's like they haven't heard of bandcamp

Or don't know the pain of music accessibility in the past

Gen Z

It's gonna happen

Yeah it's the current teenagers.

It's debatable really

18 is a teenager


You're still blooming ๐Ÿ˜€

Nigga I'm a year younger

He gave me the gay

Lyuda was a hero

Popping Nazi heads.

White Death

*Dies because literally to proud to be protected by a woman.*

What if your mother protected you when you were an Irish child soldier?

Yeah sure

Still can be a soldier


If I pray hard enough, Marx would save me from that situation.

Thanks to the Fash

Well not in this age

Wasn't there one who bombed an abortion clinic?

It is, no doubt.

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