Message from @Dr Meme
Discord ID: 601875635194953791
I'm not trying to make a rash desition. Quite the oposite
Did you ever seens her sad as fuck, what might make her jejealous etc
And if your answers are good and you think this will work long them fucking hit it
Yes and yes. We know eachother pretty well
We have taken courses together for almost three years
The thing is that i don't think is a good idea, because i just got out of a bad relationship
And i don't want to hurt her
So just wait
Don't make her your pillow so you can get on your feet
Men the fuck up and do it alone and like real men you are make it fucking work
Show her you are kind of guy for her
That's what i mean
The thing is im a retard with words lol
But yeah
We are still planing on hanging out once she gets back from her home state
She knows about this right?
.about what
That you have problem with words and shit
Yeah she knows
So don't worry about this just get your shit together give yourself some time and then try with her
Keep us updated and good luck
*I believe in* you *king*
Yeah, i will
Thanks bruvs
You can doit bb
We will meet on the 25 this month
We are just planning to go eat somenthing
Just be yourself and don't overdo it
I don't plan on telling her anything yet
But i will in the future
Like in military get recon and think how to get best results
It may look like dead end but with right plan you can do anything m8
I don't want to overdo it, but also my last relationship left me really starved of affection. She was very cold and that and i just thought it was my fault for not being a good boyfriend
Don't blame yourself
Fun factoid about me: i tried getting into military medical school but wasnt accepted because i'm asmathic
It is just not worth it and your friends showed you what she was the one who fucked everything up
Yeah, my friends gave me a rethorical slap across the face
And trust your friends
If they see some shit and talk to you about it think why they said it
Yeah, i understand that, but they never said anything until it was up, with the exception of the friend aforementioned