Message from @Jerm70

Discord ID: 661016700635840522

2019-12-29 23:58:19 UTC  

If we cut Scotland that means tories would lose 7 seats, but the opposition would lose 52

2019-12-29 23:58:38 UTC  

From a strategic point of view thats a win

2019-12-29 23:59:30 UTC  

Fucking politicians. TV has caused this 'celebrificating' of the cunts. They are fucking civil servants nothing more.

2019-12-29 23:59:41 UTC  

Even so, Labour is strictly English. Cutting off parts of the kingdom doesn't help keep them down

2019-12-30 00:00:07 UTC  

Also we have to factor in Scotland is quite literally a blackhole for money, England basically subsidises Scotland both directly (through the Barnett Formula) and through the EU (the money we give the EU gets sent back to Scotland primarily with caveats)

2019-12-30 00:00:38 UTC  

Also if England withdraws its current contracts from Scotland they will lose approx half of their main industry (ship building)

2019-12-30 00:01:19 UTC  

Look at the grief that the poitical class is causing for the citizens of France. Soon the guillotines will be rolled out.. I mean there's only so much tear gas the population can take. ..

2019-12-30 00:02:33 UTC  

What peeps don't realise is the MoD contracts scottish shipyards to maintain the navy and trident, if they go it will just be moved to newcastle (meaning they will stay tory as well), AND they will have to fund their own army

2019-12-30 00:02:57 UTC  

And frankly they couldn't afford the half a dozen Scottish units that already exist

2019-12-30 00:04:41 UTC  

Honestly if Scotland leaves they will fail as a nation, they don't have the economy or the population (5.5 million) to have any say in the world and even if the EU let them in they will have around 6 seats there as matching the other EU nations instead of the 59 they have in the UK <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>

2019-12-30 00:07:49 UTC  

As for labour you will never win London and it is basically capital versus the country, they have a few hold outs up north such as liverpool which are red till they die and south wales

2019-12-30 00:24:08 UTC  

``can we please give John Bercow a people's knighthood``
No <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-12-30 00:48:36 UTC  

"We need to be able to sell the national park to everybody in Britain, all society, and it's important that it doesn't just become exclusive to one single use group," he said. "The moment we get into that position I think national parks start to lose their relevance and therefore the very reason for calling it a national park and spending public money." **Research shows visitors to the Lake District, where the rugged fells inspired the romantic poets and author Beatrix Potter, are too heavily weighted towards older, able-bodied white people.**

2019-12-30 00:49:28 UTC  

"Africa is too black"

2019-12-30 01:24:15 UTC  

"we must stand for pride in our communities"
but not the white ones.
"Millions woke up to a nightmare on December 13. It’s our duty to make sure that doesn’t happen again."
Make sure that the Tories don't win a democratic election again? Okay, fascist.

2019-12-30 01:24:15 UTC  

Can I just present my favorite article of the day?

2019-12-30 01:24:38 UTC  

I hope it displays the article.

2019-12-30 01:24:58 UTC  

Hots up.

2019-12-30 01:47:36 UTC  

we need more pakis to win @Jay simple as

2019-12-30 01:56:28 UTC  

“progressive patriotism”

2019-12-30 01:56:44 UTC  

What does Progressive Patriotism even mean?

2019-12-30 02:07:30 UTC  

I would assume it is taking certain qualities of your nation like tolerance, religious freedoms etc, then bludgeoning them into politcal slogans you can use to advance your political goals, while hiding behind the fact that those are qualities your country possesses

2019-12-30 03:28:21 UTC  

Progressive patriotism is a fancy way of saying “we’re going to pretend to be and co opt nationalism to distract real nationalists and control them so they aren’t harmful”

2019-12-30 03:28:36 UTC  

Or “get in our way”

2019-12-30 04:27:39 UTC  

Progressive patriotism might mean lecturing your fellow citizens on how great it would be to join a borderless, global superstate because they're clearly not big-brain enough to surrender their individuality for the greater good of the human collective

2019-12-30 08:25:14 UTC  

so poms is the UK still a salt mine?

2019-12-30 08:26:20 UTC  

Very much so

2019-12-30 08:27:46 UTC  

well, social media is

2019-12-30 08:28:03 UTC  

and news media

2019-12-30 10:32:57 UTC  

all of the cows in that photo are smarter than the labour front bench

2019-12-30 12:01:43 UTC  

wow, suddenly left twitter really cares about rape gangs

2019-12-30 12:20:06 UTC  

ahhh... the gang-rapers was an israeli gang... I see why left-twitter cares now

2019-12-30 12:26:50 UTC  

I'm not sure its real or not but Cyprus does have a rape problem, that comes with being a beach island and party life

2019-12-30 12:27:06 UTC  

But they do their best to minimise it or cover it up