Message from @RayzorJack

Discord ID: 658293681253646346

2019-12-22 12:58:22 UTC  

Katana aren't bad weapons by any metric, but media in both east and west has propped them up to be far more than what they really are, I guess.

Why bother muckin' about with a katana when you can just beat a motherfucker with a kanabo?

2019-12-22 12:58:47 UTC  

Matchlocks: allow us to introduce ourselves.
Katanas: *autistic screeching*

2019-12-22 12:59:27 UTC  

@Zephyr Blackfish Now do a similar joke but with a nuke.

2019-12-22 12:59:44 UTC  

@Goddess Tyche nukes vs militaries, my dude.

2019-12-22 12:59:51 UTC

2019-12-22 12:59:52 UTC  

@Zephyr Blackfish Yes, you need skill for both. But when you only have a low quality steel to work with, you absolutely cannot afford to pick the curve of your katana
The issue is that katana is not homogenous - it has softer steel at the back, and hardened steel edge
When you have good steel you can vary that infinitely.
With poor steel you can only do it as the metal allows, hence the curve is being dictated to you.

2019-12-22 13:00:38 UTC  

Odachi are kinda cool but I've heard that they have really bad weight distribution. They can weigh as much as a zweihander but they don't have the same pommel and taper to give them balance, so they're super unwieldy.

2019-12-22 13:00:51 UTC  

It is not good or bad, it is what it is.
And japanese katana craftsmen deserve all the respect for such results in the face of good steel scarcity

A bunch of drunken scandinavians made steel by burning animal bones in a crucible fueled by burning animal crap, while living in a frigid frozen hellscape; I don't feel like people give them enough props for that one either.

2019-12-22 13:02:01 UTC  

@Uksio I would say in that scenario with shitty metal, the metal would dictate the manner of sword to you.
TL;DR ye

2019-12-22 13:02:52 UTC  

>TFW Germanic savages have better steel than Japanese lords.

2019-12-22 13:02:57 UTC  

Japan had a hard time getting good metal right up to WW2

2019-12-22 13:03:10 UTC  

Why didn't the Japanese use shields?

2019-12-22 13:03:12 UTC  

Why do you think they wanted Manchzhuria so badly?

Same reason Apple wants Manchuria so badly.

2019-12-22 13:03:31 UTC  

@fvriovs they did, just not in the way europeans did it

2019-12-22 13:03:47 UTC  

The Manchuria thing actually makes me realise something else,

2019-12-22 13:04:00 UTC  

How many tanks and ships and planes were Japan even able to build

2019-12-22 13:04:04 UTC  

Is @livid_scrooge alive still?

2019-12-22 13:04:05 UTC  

Given they lacked good quality steel

2019-12-22 13:04:10 UTC  

Not a lot of tanks or ships, relatively; A fair assload of Zeros though, since if memory serves they were mostly wood.

2019-12-22 13:04:25 UTC  

Isn't that their armour though?

2019-12-22 13:04:27 UTC  

You see Teriyaki Sushi-san, you don't need to hold shields if you wear shields.

2019-12-22 13:04:49 UTC  

Also they extensively used the stationary emplacement shields

2019-12-22 13:04:50 UTC  

By that token a European knight *is* a shield.

2019-12-22 13:04:57 UTC  

Much heavier than european

2019-12-22 13:05:01 UTC  

Oh tower shields.

2019-12-22 13:05:03 UTC  

Like the Assyrians?

2019-12-22 13:05:20 UTC  

Like the fucking Rhodoks

2019-12-22 13:05:48 UTC  

@fvriovs It is hard to draw a hard line between a shield/wall/armour

2019-12-22 13:05:56 UTC  

For some reason it's all stock photos

2019-12-22 13:06:04 UTC  

Japanese just had different distinctions than europeans

2019-12-22 13:06:11 UTC  

Imagine being as advanced in 1500 AD as the Assyrians were in 700 BC.

2019-12-22 13:06:32 UTC  

Actually to be fair the Assyrians were pretty shit hot for the time.

2019-12-22 13:07:10 UTC

Warfare in Japan was fairly unique, since the only real times they had land invasions to deal with it was kinda mostly just other Japanese.