Discord ID: 251015802466205697
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I recently tried painting a background for the first time. Here's the result, with character doodle over it.
The character herself is meant to have a sci-fi succubus motif. I spent a lot of 2018 working on character design skills and this is the best I've come up with so far.
I also have this reference sheet for the character posted above. This is a *mostly* finalised version of the design.
I'd have given her more leather straps if they weren't a pain in the ass to render.
That's peak art
Anyone got old old art that they can compare to their newer stuff?
I make one of these each year to keep track of what progress I make.
Aye, thanks. I focused mainly on anatomy and rendering. For this year I'm putting more effort into learning posing, gesture, and how to draw backgrounds and environments.
Mhm. I still go for a tall/slender build out of personal preference, but the exaggeration is far less pronounced now. Rather, I emphasise the figure using a few tricks of character design. For example, the part of the outfit that's black stretches from the feet up to the bottom of her ribs at the back, and the result is that the legs look longer than they actually are in proportion to the body.
Looks nice, dud
Watch the foreshortening on his right leg though, the foot seems too small.
just a wee bit
(Loving the background work though)
Aye but the lighting on the clouds is nice
Not a furry artist btw <:FeelsBadMan:528971547160084480>
I'm shit at art too I just draw the same character over and over until I can pretend to be good
Hands are easy just trace your own hand kek
Digital is basically cheating
The computer does all the work
Proudest part on mine was the face.
I was experimenting with stylisation so it was nice
I'd like to get more than two likes on one of my things when I post it to artstation
and spaghetti arm
I can show every stage of my character's design, actually. For some reason I still have all my art up from Feb. 2017 up to now.
I've been improving a ton since about November last year. I started following RaikoArt on Twitch and then pestering him for art lessons and then he actually taught me a bunch of shit.
Writing is for nerds
I wish I had anything of note to share, but my writing is all self-indulgent crap about the leather scythe lady I paint a lot <:NyxHehe:537754059277467669>
They're casuls
>good books
>the art in that
My improvement and evolution of character design in 2018 and early 2019.
I added an eyepatch to the design to give her a more recognisably villainous look. Eyepatches in character design are often a sign of a malicious or sinister character.
Aye they can, but it's the connotations that remain the same regardless.
I'm still here I just don't make stuff very often <:why:462286147473637407>
Super super well, yes. Most prefer to do it under a different handle to their normal art, but from what I've heard it pays upwards of 5x more than trying to work with more vanilla stuff.
no step on snek
Being given the same information over and over again is what indoctrinated him; he thinks it will work on us <:pepelaf:589065929623732224>
I was a leftist tard once. I suppose brony would at least be a new experience.
That death does wait
There's no debate
So charge and attack
Going to Hell and back!
I'm really liking Attack of the Dead Men from Sabaton's newest album
Maybe Epstein was killed via strangling to replicate the effects of hanging? <:MonkaHmm:587844093493641235>
Seems like they actually did a lot to weaken Japanese control over the islands prior to MacArthur's arrival. <:PeepoGlad:587844095037276207>
Feels like the Palace of Westminster would be equally impressive if it weren't surrounded by crap.
Big buildings with nothing to interfere in the surroundings are wonderful
Ah yes. "A German General Officer" and "A Soviet Document"
Very legit sources for such quotes
HMS Habakkuk 2: Electric Boogaloo
America: 0
Birds: 1
@Coolitic Ey, Raiko's stuff is cool shit
Jupiter has the strongest magnetic field of any planet in the solar system, stretching almost to the orbit of Saturn
Celebrating poor health choices <:Poggers:589065865496887341>
<:pepelaugh:544857300179877898> ๐ ๐
Not gonna lie, it looks kinda cosy.
To be fair a corpse is more useful as a citizen than the average Dem voter.
If they malfunction in the presence of magic, that just means that you need long range firepower <:PeepoUp:625688383208947743>
Also the bars are out of proportion
Apparently 17 million and 20 million are about 3/4s of 65 million
Why is this Turk speaking?
At least Wallachia had good ol' Vlad the Impaler to make them badass before they fell to the Ottomans. Bulgaria just got squished.
I didn't know that, thanks
Even little Albania had Skanderbeg <:PeepoThink:621867477822996531>
I thought the Sultanate of Rum existed in Asia Minor?
Yea like that
This Turk is still at it <:PeepoLaugh:625688443741143041>
Being a meme chat, any discussion about communism belongs here
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