Message from @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
Discord ID: 652236847610593281"
Dotty is a MINORITY!
Well, lore is the proper livid hunter here, we've had some good revolutions
this is why
Ok enough
epic gamer moment
Imagine that. Dotty thinks he's better then me cause he has more money...and he's a jew...i could have never guessed <:smugon:512048583806025739>
>Dotty is an absolute Mutt
>He's 4% Middle-Eastern
>2% Jew
fuck, now I wanna bully him for being a minority
why do I need to sleep so often like Im an old man
Although, I'm in my own group for livid, I believe livid is crucial to our survival by providing a common enemy image in order to unify us.
The rest is English bro
No you're defenetly a sand nigger child
you Jew niggers
But the thought of knocking up a cute lil British twink is fucking hot @livid_scrooge
This is why the livid must survive
This is why the livid must have some success and breed.
I’ve had enough of this
Rape is an effective breeding strategy
@livid_scrooge Don't leave <:why:462286147473637407> just talk to me in DMs
Man Dotty is a terrible Jew what with him wishing death on people, we better talk to his rabbi @SPOOKY Phil, Ruler of Heck
@SideTracker Aye, sound plan.
unification can happen as proven by an enemy image
this bloody server, I swear
Dotty is our enemy image
He is a savior in many ways
@TheBrsrkr don't have to cause Dotty's here
@Telly_G 『⚡130』PC |, if you're going to be a lazy fucker and lay around the house all day, at least schedule out daily PT.
I believe, it may be time for a less ironic enemy image, someone to exceed even Baba
@King Canuck Screen Rant is known for it's hot takes
>literally kills her