Message from @baiyn

Discord ID: 658099027979534340

2019-12-22 00:08:27 UTC  

But you're a minor

2019-12-22 00:08:29 UTC  

said the man too lazy to read the material

2019-12-22 00:08:30 UTC  

you're the theological equivalent of flat earthers!

2019-12-22 00:08:32 UTC  

Do their picture views not count?

2019-12-22 00:09:05 UTC  

You see in polytheism you have gods working together and against each other of both genders and different creatures. In monotheism there is only one god, which means that one god is responsible for all the pain and all the suffering and likes it <:shrug:349342983763656705>

2019-12-22 00:09:09 UTC  

i really wish @Storin would VC lol would be easier to clearly debate ideas '

2019-12-22 00:09:09 UTC  


2019-12-22 00:09:23 UTC  

but if gravity isn't real and there are actually three suns

2019-12-22 00:09:33 UTC  

then maybe the fucking earth is flat

2019-12-22 00:09:36 UTC  


2019-12-22 00:09:59 UTC  

I cried

2019-12-22 00:10:02 UTC  

In terms of why God doesn't just stop all evil makes a lot more sense in polytheism

2019-12-22 00:10:06 UTC  

I mean it was a christian belief the world is flat <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>

2019-12-22 00:10:12 UTC  

Literally killed Galileo for it

2019-12-22 00:10:14 UTC  

Thata how hard I laughed at that video

2019-12-22 00:10:20 UTC  

no it makes a lot more sense in monotheism

2019-12-22 00:10:26 UTC  

Literally doesn't

2019-12-22 00:10:27 UTC  

but you don't read the material

2019-12-22 00:10:35 UTC  

@Okbuddyretard Joey is a meme TBH

2019-12-22 00:10:35 UTC  

so you don't know what you're talking about

2019-12-22 00:10:36 UTC  

end of

2019-12-22 00:10:37 UTC  

Besides pagan polytheistic moral systems are less sophisticated that the Christian one. I mean the Shinto practicing Japanese still believe that; 'the strong do as they will and the weak suffer what they must'

2019-12-22 00:10:44 UTC  

@Storin dont confuse reliogion with sceintific and human bias

2019-12-22 00:10:45 UTC  


2019-12-22 00:10:46 UTC  

I was raised a catholic dude and went to church and a catholic school, trust me I read the material and it was found wanting <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>

2019-12-22 00:10:51 UTC  

no you did not

2019-12-22 00:11:02 UTC  


2019-12-22 00:11:07 UTC  

So explain then, God is all powerful and benevolent yet evil still exists, Why is that?

2019-12-22 00:11:08 UTC  

Not only that but I had to study the Koran and the Torah as they are of the Abrahamic faiths

2019-12-22 00:11:12 UTC  

But please do go on <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>

2019-12-22 00:11:19 UTC  

@baiyn what? Lol you have no idea what he has and hasn't done and how he was raised

2019-12-22 00:11:28 UTC  

okay if you've read the material @Storin then what is plotinus' theory of the one?

2019-12-22 00:11:37 UTC  

please, in one sentence

2019-12-22 00:11:49 UTC  

oh wait;

2019-12-22 00:11:54 UTC  

ree it appears that like half of the old world boston radio stations were basically a reskin of the raider radio in nuka world
so as a result of me killing the raider bosses, half my radio stations are broke

2019-12-22 00:11:54 UTC  

you habent read it

2019-12-22 00:11:59 UTC  

Fuck if I know <:shrug:349342983763656705>

2019-12-22 00:12:19 UTC  

so if you won't read the reason-based material on God

2019-12-22 00:12:22 UTC  

through refusal to read it

2019-12-22 00:12:22 UTC  

You want to use a theory to justify your 100% belief in a greater power go for it <:PepeLaugh:565528391336329216>