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God gave free will

honestly though I think Jordan Petersons metaphysical interpretation of the garden of Eden is likely more accurate. The Bible is a collection of morality tales

Storin No it's definitely not a story book. It's structure and content are those of a collection of morality tales

Everyone has a moral instinct

All cultures have the same general moral themes. Despite there marked differences.

Storin even still morality tales and stories aren't the same a morality tale is a story but not all stories are morality tales.

Caspar the friendly ghost isn't a morality tale nor-has it been passed down the literally thousands of years.

*for not the typo

They are less sophisticated philosophically and theologically. But then you aren't serious so it's moot

The God represents the highest set of values. All theologies trend towards monotheism over time.

Besides pagan polytheistic moral systems are less sophisticated that the Christian one. I mean the Shinto practicing Japanese still believe that; 'the strong do as they will and the weak suffer what they must'

The Galileo myth is a myth. He was imprisoned for getting involved in what was live wire power politics at the time. He declared his theory that the universe revolved around the sun was gospel truth (2 years before the minor theological differences and disagreements between the Catholics and Protestants erupted into 30 years of war).

Free will requires the possibility that eveil can be done

Religions aren't responsible for most wars...

Though islam is responsible for most of those with actually religious causes

Nietzsche's 'Death of God' is why we are having serious problems with socialism and other atheistic religions. The point is it gave rise to nihilism, and given human suffering that is unbearable. So rather than becoming hyper rational w

when the belief in god was removed, people started believing in anything.

and Nietzsche was wrong about use been able to become our own 'Gods' as that was what both the Nazis and Communists attempted to do

Define their own moral systems

THe Electric Lizard your all ready there

The insufferable socialist's and other atheistic religious replacements running around every where and trying to oppress others, and the plummeting birth rates.

Tubby Duck the..... And yet the loss of belief can be directly linked to the current existential crises of Europe

Tubby Duck... So rather then been an atheist it would be more accurate to call you a satanist? Destroy humanity? A more genocidal statement can not be made.

Tubby Duck we can expand into space and travel to other stars, if we can over come our current crises of foundational belief and prevent civilisation collapsing.

Tubby... You don't have to believe in him to have a similar motivation to him. The distruction of humanity, all that might be called good and/ God's creation in it's entirety

The Electric lizard. Accept people have tried and every time they did it became a nightmare. Both the Nazi's (quite openly) and Communists tried to form their own moral systems.

They defined what they did as moral

Because morals benefit the species over trime


But Christianity doesn't give a fake divine purpose as such

It merely concerns itself with how we should live

God's plan is his alone though it's not ours to know and as such doesn't dictate anything upon you

Storin Free speech came out of a philosophical frame work and moral system based in Christian teaching (and no where else)

No Electric the point is to find your purpose in that plan.

No all laws and the basic moral system in the west is objectively and inextricably based on the Christian belief system.

The 'West' was 'Christendom'

It does if you trace the laws and philosophical evolution in western countries (such as England)

Storin your wrong fundamentally as not all values are equal

Thus not all 'Gods' are equal

Protestant's are Christians...

No with a pantheon you end up with 'wars of the Gods' and a hierarchy been imposed with a high God

Over time the 'lesser' Gods are forgoten

This is the evolution of religious belief . Don't believe me look it up

ACSD THe problem with polythestic belief systems is they are less sophisticated than Monotheistic ones. For example every polytheistic religion I've come across believe that; 'the strong do as they will while the weak suffer what they must'

Hell is both a physical and metaphysical concept be specific

ACSD tell that to the people in Nazi concentration camps during the second world war

You can have hell on earth... which is self explanatory and given the fundamental genetic similarity of all humans indisputably bad. and Metaphysical hell, which is spritual, but also by literal definition horrific.

Anti-Christian types criticize Christianity but seem to be rather silent here in the West about islam

Mersenne Original sin is actually a philosophically deep concept, relating to the nature of human behaviour. We are sentient and can actively choose to sin. Moreover, we are want to declare our selves God's and use that to justify the most cruel and evil behaviour we can imagine.

Storin That IQ data is questionable as it includes muslim countries and Africa. I mean most blacks in Africa are highly religious and given that black people have on average the lowest IQ. That will likely depress any data set.... Look in short what I'm saying is that it's easy to make those data set's support what you want them to show.

Mersenne. Ok For a start, not all Christian believe in original sin, and those that do don't do so theologically form the belief that the baby are guilty of having sinned. But rather that humans have become unmoored spiritually from God and thus prone to sin, and >choose< to sin. But I am arguing out side my wheal house here I'm Protestant.

islam is the religion of the devil. They literally believe in the 'greatest deceiver'. The Bible is quite clear the 'deceiver' is the devil.

Mersenne read saint thomas aquinas's views on that matter. I'm sure he had some. Again I'm Protestant.

Mersenne, then do tell what does he say about original sin?

So I had it right. It's not wrong really, who hasn't as a child or even now done amoral things? Personally I like what Peterson had to say about it... but I haven't yet read Saint Thomas Acquinas.

The point I was driving at is that it's not a crime that your guilty of and must be punished for, but rather a flaw in human charater that we tend to ignore and good against our moral instincts such as they are. which we do conscienicouly


as we are sentient

Storin your a pagan heretic and I would wager given half a chance as bad as the muslims (I mean the Shinto Japanese committed war crimes on par with the Nazi's and as far as I can tell there is a certain undercurrent of moral structure all pagan belief systems share).


Heathen is none Christian. Pagan is polytheistic.

Yeah from the Christian world view they are and can only be heretics.

Storin hence the definition I was using

....Holy under ware....

Mohammad was a false prophet who die an ignoble death by poison at the hands of a jewish woman


The God Emperor has got his Space force. Where are the memes?

LOL ended slavery.... you know no biggy

LOL black pilled loser

Giving up is the mark of a weakling. 'Western' Values will never die sop long as there are people who are willing to fight for them

The birth rates might be low for now, but the bad policies that have lead to them will be corrected. They aren't sustainable long term.

There have been contractions in population historically and the west survived, as for the invaders, they expose themselves for what they are. The traitors work in lies, but the truth is becoming impossible to hide.

and it's fucked up. The LGBT advocates are twisted and this to is becoming impossible to hide

as for the estrogen analogue issue. That's a problem world over. I'm betting the species will resolve the issue and survive.

Gay's are fucked in the head. I'll look the other way if it's between consenting adults and behind closed doors. But I don't support the behaviour

Let them hate me, their a minority with serious problems with pedos

*been pedos

Dude I'm not for arresting them. But if it does come to the point where that's possible then their support likely wouldn't be needed by tthose doing it.

A carbon water filter is a good idea.

Make sure it's an activated carbon one though. as mechanical filters don't remove chemicals.

Honestly, anything that isn't using activated carbon is probably a waste of money in the west

But honestly, it's not a pressing issue really. Removing low levels of harmful chemicals will make it healthier for you. But the water is safe to drink in the west as a rule.

Like I said activated carbon water fillers would resolve that. But truth be told the tap water in the west is safe to drink as a rule.

Ah yes the classic let's blame everything on the Jew's... Funny in small doses but insufferable when people actually believe it.

Then trigger the f outa them. National Socialists like all other socialists are bunch of morons.

Tear there poor ideology a new a-hole with facts and logic. It's fun to completely destroy radicals ideologies/world views.

Hastur That's funny. But if you are actually looking for companionship the internet is not that place for it. Go take up a hobby that gets you out of the house and is a group activity. For example I do martial arts. Triggering/arguing with people on the internet is a past time, but shouldn't be your life.

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