Message from @kore_khthonia

Discord ID: 651124378809008128

2019-12-02 04:50:59 UTC  

What happened was as I described.

2019-12-02 04:51:27 UTC  

Everything peripheral to the television went somewhat out of focus, but was never distorted.

2019-12-02 04:51:48 UTC  

And very clearly, right in the center of the television, the visuals came and kept on going for an hour.

2019-12-02 04:52:22 UTC  

It was a very interesting and pleasing experience. Faces became patterns and became landscapes, of no colour in particular and with very vague shapes.

2019-12-02 04:52:39 UTC  

Like a puplish grey series of ebbing images.

2019-12-02 04:53:56 UTC  

So, that's the extent of my experience with it. The night before, I got drunk and had a bong hit before passing out, and normally I don't smoke weed. So, those factors may have contributed to the ease of my ability to hallucinate onto the screen when I awoke in the morning.

2019-12-02 04:56:30 UTC  

My recommendation would be that you practice projecting images onto the screen, so you can get a good idea of what these *default* visuals are.

2019-12-02 04:57:04 UTC  

That way, when you're scrying during ritual, you'll have a good general idea of what's *standard* and what's the result of *an outside force.*

2019-12-02 04:57:53 UTC  
2019-12-02 05:04:02 UTC  

can someone help me w/ this?

2019-12-02 05:04:51 UTC  

i would reach out to my guide myself but i dont rly know if i can, like, go in w a fresh perspective rn

2019-12-02 05:05:20 UTC  

i just need someone’s help or another person’s interpretation of his words better so that i can understand the meaning better

2019-12-02 05:29:15 UTC  

@PugThug ```I have been doing this sort of thing for over 10 years now ever since my occult father taught me so it doesn't take long for me to get through the average person.
Your guide wishes you would spend less time on 4chan and socialize instead and do productive things with your seconds that are forever escaping and impossible to get back.``` seems like this guy gave you all the help you need <:smugpepe:619749634402942998>

2019-12-02 05:34:09 UTC  

i said i wanted multiple perspectives

2019-12-02 05:34:36 UTC  

ok, here's a perspective

2019-12-02 05:34:54 UTC  

enough with the self-doubt, just commit to something and do it

2019-12-02 05:35:13 UTC  

doesn't matter if it's the right way or the wrong way, just commit

2019-12-02 05:46:50 UTC  

thanks man... idk ill take that into account, like i mean it

2019-12-02 07:13:30 UTC  

Thank you for the guide @Verchiel

2019-12-02 18:15:49 UTC  

@Verchiel I take well to scrying, I have idiopathic visual snow

2019-12-02 18:16:00 UTC  

My visual field is always full of stuff that's not there lol

2019-12-02 18:16:06 UTC  

So I have a substrate for it

2019-12-02 22:35:12 UTC  

@Kru§ol At what time there is occult rituals

2019-12-02 22:35:44 UTC

2019-12-02 22:36:12 UTC  

We don't have any other recurring rituals besides that but we have sporadic ones and you're welcome to host anything if you want

2019-12-02 22:36:39 UTC  

Alright, thanks. I'll try to join this friday

2019-12-02 22:37:38 UTC  

@Snah sounds good! I'll let you know if anything else comes up in the meantime

2019-12-02 22:40:54 UTC  

Many thanks

2019-12-02 23:00:45 UTC  

Fuck i think i asked this already but i didnt get a response that i would remember.

2019-12-02 23:11:20 UTC  

How can one figure out whether what they're speaking to is god or a spiritual guide, what is the difference? Obviously it is belief, there can't be a god in occult belief, at least nothing like a Christian god or one all powerful of the universe. But i think i have encountered something of the sort. How can i figure out what it is, if its anything

2019-12-02 23:13:55 UTC  

@FakkuBastard.jpeg that's an excellent question and honestly no one can really give you "the answer" on that one. Most spiritual/mystical experiences are subjective and as such, it comes down to you and your interpretation of the experience in the determination of its significance

2019-12-02 23:15:44 UTC  

One of the basic "arguments" in mysticism is the idea of invocation vs evocation. Many practitioners use both but there's a deeper philosophical debate on whether or not these metaphysical/spiritual forces we experience are actually entities or thoughtforms of some sort existing outside of ourselves that we invoke the characteristics or services of into ourselves, or if they're more like archetypes in the collective unconsciousness that act as stimulation points for us to evoke those archetypal characteristics outward from within ourselves

2019-12-02 23:20:37 UTC  

Me personally, I've worked with deities, spirits, and my guide/higher self, and I noticed some differences in the experiences. In retrospect I think the experiences presented themselves how they did due to how I was perceiving them (or what I was intending) and as such is why I'm more on the evocation end of the beforementioned argument

2019-12-02 23:22:44 UTC  

When I found my patron deity Utu, I read a lot about him and used meditation to talk to him; had some very intense experiences that I don't doubt were extremely mystical and paranormal in nature. I've used mediumship to contact spirits and have communed with them often, even voluntarily giving my own energy to a spiritual friend I met named Shox. I can't count the number of times I've communed with my guide or higher self. I've never met an external guide but when I first encountered my higher self it certainly came across as something very familiar but very different. Each one of those experiences were unique and yet ultimately I think they all boil down to different perspectives of my own consciousness; archetypal representations of what I thought each thing stood for. That doesn't make any of the experiences less special or spiritual or mystical to me, it's the effects that count really

2019-12-03 00:03:41 UTC  

What is a patron deity

2019-12-03 00:03:57 UTC  

Sounds like a god that like pays for your existence

2019-12-03 00:06:55 UTC  

@FakkuBastard.jpeg I'm sure you could ask multiple people and get multiple answers. To me a patron deity is like a deity that's like the "top dog" in your spiritual protection. They're someone who's characteristics and archetypes you identify with, and you gain strength and protection through your relationship with them

2019-12-03 00:09:41 UTC  

Does everyone have spiritual protection or have actual contact with spiritual beings or is it just occult people and the like

2019-12-03 00:09:55 UTC  

Im asking if you have to become aware

2019-12-03 00:10:13 UTC  

Or is it not there until you do something for it to happen