
Discord ID: 307587656534196224

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Hi guys! I just joined on a whim. Found this place via a Google search.

lmao. My username and icon are Persephone. Hell is my jam yo

I'm a weird esoteric blend of all kinds of things

I originally picked it up from Jung and Kerenyi

My practice errs closest to a form of shamanism. I'm also heavily, heavily influenced by Hindu philosophical ideas. I identify most with the underworld and death.

also those sideburns are lit af

My nieces listen to Let It Go so much omg

Reason #35 why I don't want kids lmao

ahhhh don't get it stuck in my head again omggg

๐Ÿฆ€ ๐Ÿฆ€ ๐Ÿฆ€

I'm drinking a Monster energy coffee drink

Oh shit I was just having a conversation about this what the FUCK

Funny how that works, but hey, story of my life

Eerie synchronitities all up in this bitch lol

Chicken is okay but I feel bad eating it because oh noes the birdies :/

It's relatively healthy for a meat

What actually IS salad cream anyway

Cum is clearly the best edible substance

@Akeldama I bet there's money in extracting like pure DXM powder. Or DMT crystals from ayahuasca plants

A lot of old people (like me) are like how the fuck do I dark net. I feel like there's probably money in resale if you know how to buy darknet drugs.

Like NGL I'd totally buy like 4-HO-MiPT or AL-LAD at a markup to not have to figure out how to darknet

First is a synthetic tryptamine, 2nd is a lysergamide

I've had AL-LAD but not any of the novel RC tryptamines

most basically metabolize into psilocin

I paired AL-LAD with 1P-LSD tho. Amps up the visuals

Normally I just pop robitussin every few weeks because I'm old and lost all my connections to dealers lmao

When I was in college I had an easier time getting shrooms and shit. My current weed guy doesn't really do other drugs.

@Hitler's Princess I'd try asking at like /r/LSD or /r/drugs on Reddit. Or looking through their sidebars

1P is basically just LSD with extra steps

@syz Yeah I've heard by itself the headspace is really clear. Sounds like it'd be good for like a concert or rave

Where you don't wanna be too fucked up mentally

Yeah. Like candyflip with it would be fun

Okay so I did it with a lowish-mid dose of shrooms

It's speedy as fuck and super euphoric

You get like, mildly manic, but in a good way

Isn't MXE that dissociative everyone loves that you can't get anymore

I heard that like, the one lab in China that made it shut down or something

I'm assuming you must need like, a serious pharma-grade lab to make it

Mine are pretty chill, but they were always kinda counterculture/hipster

Absolutely. I feel that part of the issue is a deep seated cultural belief of bodily pleasure as bad

Which honestly ties into death anxiety

It's a rejection of the body because of the horror of mortality

The horror of the realization that you are an animal made of flesh

Too much rejection of it isn't really psychologically healthy

@Nobody Most people who are actually gneuinely hypersexual -- like by modern standards -- have some kind of issue or personality disorder they're trying to cope with

Yes. Or they have some other issue/trauma going on

I feel like there's hope spiritually. I don't blame atheism per se, because I see it as a legitimate conclusion someone could arrive at. But those questions that lead there still need to be confronted

Society as it is now breeds a lot of alienation

I'm obviously not an atheist per se lol

A lot of people default to atheism because they see hardcore Christianity as the only other option

And don't have any real understanding of other faiths or systems

I grew up Catholic, but in the Bible Belt lol

There's a certain misguided positivism that's been en vogue for some time now

In academic and intellectual circles

Such that I think people avoid even asking the questions about Self hood and ipsaity

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