Message from @Erika
Discord ID: 323896710692864002
We can carry korans and guns and yell about 'muh constitution.'
Look at that dank Muslim with a swastika maga hat. FUCKING BASED!
That should make for Heroes to the muh Constitutional Freedom! types
I'm sure the ACLU and NRA would trip over themselves to represent you
just be all white power ethnostate, btw the way we're Muslims.
Albanian Power!
Bosniak Power!
Christian Identity but make it Islamic identity.
Chechen Power!
We Wuz Arabs and sheeeiit.
We wuz Turks!
Yep. Ethnostate in no time.
If only there was a leader like Alexander the Great. Albanian and Bosniak would have joined Massagans and Gepids as eradicated peoples of Europe.
@Hand Banana plz gimme a bull whip
Are you asking him to whip you? Degenerate.
I'll bring a water hose and just cut off a length for everyone. Who will be the lucky ones to get the ends with metal?
there was a typo in that one
Awesome! Thanks for the PDF, @卐 Heimdulf - VA 卐. Here's a video tutorial.
@卐 Heimdulf - VA 卐 done
@Erika do you have a tutorial on how to make bullwhips?
@Hand Banana Here you go.
@Goldstein Riots Thank you
Man that is awesome. It won't be long before we all are wearing those.
If its at the point where we need riot armor
It will already be a shooting war
And you'll want a carrier and a Kevlar instead of padding
Watch videos of Maidan chronologically to see how the state may respond
As Ukraine responded in a pretty standard anti terror anti riot way
The only major difference would be that we would also be fighting other people on the street
Thoughts on these shoes?
Tbh I always thought Apt. 9 looked and felt low quality