Message from @JohnnyMonoxide
Discord ID: 339929847377821696
Would it be worthwhile to reach out to those who were planning to attend 1Team1Fight who might be sympathetic to our cause?
@Sallie I'm from Louisiana
Surely some non-zero portion of that group would be on-board.
@AshBrighton - AL Sure, I guess some cucks might want to come hang out and not counter signal. Reach out to them and see what happens
In any of these groups there is bound to be a contingent who aren't aware of our movement and would be sympathetic
So reach out to them. Nothing ventured nothing gained
Right. I will. Just thinking out loud.
One of the III%er groups is planning to come to Unite The Right as supporters. One of the same groups that opposed alt-right people at other rallies has split into multiple factions. One of those factions is now on board.
Do they carry weapons openly like the oath cucks
@everyone Lolol... check out this video from the local news where they talk about the ADL and interview me and an ADL spokesperson (starts at 6:30)
Hmmm, they didn't include the best part of the statement you gave them in their article 🤔
Yeah, funny how that works
Put out a tweet with your full quote
I’m happy to be the enemy of the ADL, an organization which was founded to support child rapist and child murderer Leo Frank simply because he was Jewish.
I can't skip forward in this video, so I'm listening to a guy talking about pulling things out of the oven "and saying goodbye guilt!"
Holly shit I made the article too
@Hand Banana scroll up
@MadDimension you should definitely release your whole statement on Twitter. Tag NBC and ask them why they're trying to cover for child rapists.
@MadDimension I didn't know that. Now I have something to add when people ask me who the ADL are.
They were really formed to protect a kike child rapist?
@JohnnyMonoxide Yes, they've spent a hundred years trying to convince people it was "defamation" but even the Supreme Court held up his conviction
Leo Frank has become a martyr and sacred cow for the Jewish community via the ADL
@JohnnyMonoxide You're the TRS conspiracy guy... Get it together dude.
Nigga, I don't pay attention to every Jewish organization and it's roots. I'm busy tryna get Jim Fetzer to answer my mails.
dude go read leo franks wikipedia
i learned about it this week
everyone needs to know about it
That's hilarious tho @MadDimension
its like
the most heinous thing ever
@wyatt it's gonna go into an episode.
It HAS to now.
It's fucking disgusting
this jew raped and killed a little white girl
The kike even tried to blame his nigger servant
and then paid a black guy to help move the body and write a murder note