Message from @Commander Davis (TWP)
Discord ID: 330139981391855627
And that's apparently all it took to become a regional IE leader
Though most of IEs regional leaders are solid
(I don't know all of them so I can't make a sweeping statement about em)
A bad person got a position in leadership. VA has made that mistake before
We brought twenty people all the way from Michigan for Cville 1. Four of the five honor guard for the flags during speeches. We're bringing probably double that this time. This "event coordinator" ignores our input, and on the off chance she deigns to grace us with her attention its almost exclusively to try and shit on us
But when we had bad it leaders it wasn't for such hilarious reasons that they were childless women with chest tattoos
All she cares about is being part of the alt right "cool crowd". If she really cared she would go away cuz all she does is start shit.
Consider this my personal vote of no confidence in Erika or anything her crooked claws dip into.
This is the same woman who locked and or deleted multiple channels in this discord centered around self defense and tactics for dealing with opposition because we didnt want the input of a woman who wasn't going to be fighting involved.
I say enough! Enough with the infighting! Enough of the petty ultimatums! Enough attacking anyone who doesn't toe her vision of white nationalism!
Cast off your chains, and be free of your oppressor my fellow white men!
Hail @Hand Banana !
Hail McCarthy!!! ✋🏻
What are you crazy kids on about this time
What's up man
Looking forward to rallying with you again Cdr
I leave for a few days and there's a internet coup smh.
Same @Hand Banana
This is a good kind of coup though
Internet coups are silly. But I won't tell you not to, there has to be some way to vent autism.
It let's me practice my writing
The problem was the way she was insulting my group honestly
There's plenty of people I bully online in good faith
How many bars do you think we can get kicked out of @Commander Davis (TWP)
No respect. No respect.
Childless, unmarried women shouldn't have agency at all, not to mention any respect given.
I meant she was giving none. Not receiving none. I only care about one of those.
Patriarchy is the organic state.
Besides some weird really obscure group from history. Has there ever even been any successful matriarchal societies? I honestly don't know.
Ah I see what's been going down. Did ya'll ever think you might have right wing fags you could get to burn a pride flag and raise their own. You know like F.A.C.T. Just throwing that out htere
Or Proud Boys