Message from @Commander Davis (TWP)
Discord ID: 330142282697277441
What are you crazy kids on about this time
This spergfest has darkened my soul by -5 XP
What's up man
Looking forward to rallying with you again Cdr
I leave for a few days and there's a internet coup smh.
Same @Hand Banana
This is a good kind of coup though
Internet coups are silly. But I won't tell you not to, there has to be some way to vent autism.
It let's me practice my writing
The problem was the way she was insulting my group honestly
There's plenty of people I bully online in good faith
How many bars do you think we can get kicked out of @Commander Davis (TWP)
No respect. No respect.
Childless, unmarried women shouldn't have agency at all, not to mention any respect given.
I meant she was giving none. Not receiving none. I only care about one of those.
Patriarchy is the organic state.
Besides some weird really obscure group from history. Has there ever even been any successful matriarchal societies? I honestly don't know.
Ah I see what's been going down. Did ya'll ever think you might have right wing fags you could get to burn a pride flag and raise their own. You know like F.A.C.T. Just throwing that out htere
Or Proud Boys
For all the kiddo's not in the know of every obscure group out there this is their flag. I may of may not have been the one that was commisioned to make it.
I legit thought the proud boys were a gay thing when I heard about them the first time
@Hand Banana Have you seen Gavins podcast? You might still be confused after watching it
Gavin's own manager thinks it's a gay organization
Dildos and what not
I think Gavin is just a closet gay who doesn't want to ruin his relationship with his wife.
He can't keep his real beliefs about Jews etc. under wraps 100% of the time it's pretty sad
If they want to fight commies I honestly dont give a fuck about anything else
Nah, it’s pretty trad to stick a buttplug in your rectum and the start a group called the Proud Boys whose logo is a black cock
good evening to @everyone except fag enablers
Good evening sir
Good evening
i will dress in the gay flag from head to toe and self immolate at the protest
Good evening captain.