Message from @Gustavschwer-OH
Discord ID: 324378328335122442
@V I T A L I T Y Then just read number 4.
@Goldstein Riots That's sort of the entire point of this "Unite the Right" event. They'll probably experience all of this without having to artificially set up something as bait.
Good one
Apparently I'm boxing @Hand Banana should be a good time
This is why the term "cuck" was invented though. To shame these people into full neo nazism
hamdullilah every sperg will taste my shoe
Tag everyone more so we can ignore you more, fag
I will use your hatred muhahahha
If you don't actually suck his dick, i'll still be the Right wing Ref
@Aaron - VA already got dibs
Bad news @JohnStrasser I'm the proprietor of
On sucking dick?
Thats fine
We monetize right wing rape wrestling events
Being the ref
@JohnStrasser what's it like to be a future guy who's been in 1 fight?
*air horns intensify*
bro once you get your ass kicked like its really nothing to be afraid of
youll see after your future deployment to basic
I'm bringing ten of my boys down to Charlottesville
@Americana - MD feels good man
Fuckin Beltway Bigots!!!
I wonder how hot the future Middle East will be
Well McCarthy was already military, but he was a low ranking feg. So if @JohnStrasser is future military, he could have any future rank. So the future fight would be subject to future UCMJ and McCarthy would be future hitting a future senior officer.
Guys I'm thinking about being future military.
Damn i missed a lot
@AltRightVa if the future involves a Reich count me in
Shit the Beltway Bigots might be bringing more than a dozen people actually
Detroit Right Wings has 30 heading down
>A single dozen
And they didn't want to give us a color...