Message from @WASP-VA
Discord ID: 331527333184012288
And these only cost ~$20
I'm talking about the kind that nordfront uses
Expenses bro
And time
I personally like the ones that the Ukrainian police had during maidan and azov and right sector stole
If I was 16 I wouldn't be asking grown men why they aren't spending their hard earned money in a way that I thought they should for the sake of uniformity is all. Just telling you to have a little courtesy is all brother.
It's just a suggestion Raph take it easy
He's fine. Nothing wrong with questions and suggestions. Happy to answer them.
He is 16 so keep bantzing and hazing
so long as we're all working towards ⛽ ✡ I don't have any problems either lol
Those plastic shields are fine against projectiles but if we are rushed by a crowd they won't be of much use
@Goldstein Riots I can finally be the villain from the music video for Take On Me by A-ha
It's better than nothing, if you're not up front then it'll work great against rocks and bottles.
Fuck the alt light
They need to be humbled
Best revenge is being successful. Keep our heads down and keep growing while they fade into irrelevance
We shouldn't even give them attention. They are like a low energy antifa at this point, they live to engage us.
@AltRightCoast-FL idk fam maybe for this an exception has been allowed. I was specifically speaking with respect to masks. Helmets I'm not sure.
Bring the helmet
Don't get bricked in the fucking head bc of bad advice
This event might be peaceful but probably not. Hope for the best but plan for the worst.
The last thing I want is for anyone to get smashed in the head by some tranny freak swinging a padlock on a thong
@WASP-VA no I do not... I've got a sheild made out of Baltic birch... But I'm looking for one like thay
Sounds cool. Wood is probably the way to go
Birch plywood friends @WASP-VA @Charlemagne MD
Plywood always
Birch plywood ✅
I was with @Stormer DC and his brother and we got involved with 20 plus antifa I had bricks and shit being thrown at me it may have saved me from teh hospital
You're brave young one
Respect to both of you. And this is why we bring helmets goys and gals.
Raph has a helmet got taken off and thrown at me along with his sheild lmao
I've got a baseball helmet and eyepro. We're doing the shield wall thing?
They're getting ready to start with us guys