Message from @Hand Banana
Discord ID: 325816810215702540
Why would we do that
Yea... Just stick together please lol
Rockwell used drive around in the hate bus with a 4 directional loudspeaker on top and would yell at the queers.
Sounds like a good idea for when we buy a bus
We can be the new Hussars
in flags and banners can i get some opinion on the recent flag i posted how do you feel about seeing that waving
Check out our guys in cville
any mods on
Damn kind of lost respect for Heimbach over that
If you don't want to unify don't come to a unity event tbh
I kind of agree with him on the alt lite question but like ive said in the past if we need to show up and the alt lite fags that want actuall unity will show up the cucks,niggers, and spics wont show up
He is probably right that the Alt lite won't want to stand with TWP. Conservatives normally go further out of their way to denounce nationalists than the left does, so I get seeing them as an enemy. Hopefully everything will go well & this event can be the start of a new, more favorable relationship between the different groups on the right.
kessler live
@Hand Banana Heimbach just hates the alt lite for being cucks once again this is a alt-right rally these alt-lite faggots will end up not showing up
no real problem
He just said he doesnt view them as his allies
He's still going lol
He assumes they'll back out
I believe the Cucks will back out as for their leaders no
Proud boys will be a good extra troops to have
@MadDimension just watched that last stream. How are the PB holding up after all that? Were they expecting this sort of reaction to them being there?
Charlottesville libs are the biggest pussy lying sacks of shit.... they have no clue what August brings.... so much triggering tonight 😂
Whoever is on that post trolling is great 😂
ID guys right now. Everyone needs to jump in.
@PrimitveXaoc I was, but got blocked 😢
I've just never in my life seen such pansy ass humans and they're all white....... I definitely needed that laugh!
Nevermind, I'm blocked too.
Time for the sock
"Somebody with different political views from me ate at the restaurant I work at. THIS ACTUALLY HAPPENED"