Message from @Skrrt
Discord ID: 343880238809219072
VPN is better but if you are not tech savvy, again just don't use public wifi.
@everyone Is Cody Cigar coming?
For a anyone know if they sell king cobra malt beer in Charlottesville?
why did you @ everyone?
for a single question
Are the Murdoch Murdoch peeps coming?
pls to google
not worth a ping imho
@Ignis Faatus you are not old enough to drink
@Ignis Faatus I bet they have Old English if you can't find your brand, and Schwisher Sweets.
Apparently I'm not old enough Spencer I'm sorry
Ask your dad for permission. I don't call shots.
Sacco just takes my beer and acts like he's going to tell you about it but ends up drinking it
Ban the @ Everyone
Unless it's a friggin mod I don't wanna be tagged in @ everyone
Agree with above
Unless the race war is starting, or a Rothschild has been confirmed dead, dont @ me
2017 and still complaining about notifications on the phone when you can turn them off or set it to silent
2017, male with a pink name.
>implying Ignis is a man
You just assumed zirs gender
Can confirm: @Ignis Faatus is a beautiful little girl
only niggers assume gender
Imagine being an 80s guy in the 10s... 😦
Can I have the Wheatfield dwellers role
@everyone Sorry to use the tag. But apparently this went down in portland. Antifa need a victory
That ain't the least of it @wyatt
Check his twitter
There has been berkely style brawling
im just reading now patriots ejected IE
As faggoty as the proud boys are they stood their groud