Message from @khaos156-WV
Discord ID: 341315277994065932
Jason Kessler handling [REDACTED] like a boss! (just ignore her)
The problem in the US is the term is rightly irredeemable. I never use it without national in front because it becomes meaningless. Longterm I'm a national mutualist.
Yeah I am a natsoc, just like using the term socialism alone to try to take it back from the Marxists ;)
@Mack Albion I did as well, in the end we are brothers in this fight together. We can work out Economics differences after we remove the filth.
Survive then thrive
To me Aristotle got it all correct. All modern ideology is just Jews parsing out true political philosophy, chopping it up like a butcher.
@WV1987, I want our people to all be paid fairly and I want our natural leaders to have roles in which they can thrive and explore competitively whilst not living off the labor of others like lazy pigs, that's not good for them or our other brothers.
Whites could do well in any economic system tbh
Nonwhites mess everything up
Continuing convo from <#321840769239613453>.... WTF is THIS?
Average worth of these assholes
Our whole Jewed up system is FUCKED beyond belief, smells like rotting fucking corpses to me.
lol VA is not that bad but ever since baltimore chimped out the police have actually attempted to do something about them so they have all fled to VA/WV panhandle areas.
We have really basic bitch democrat politicians out here. WV is better.
Even then though, our home invasions have increased and everything else.
Ugh you're saying the niggers have come to VA/WV?
Yeah. They have been in VA for a while but influx out here even further. Luckily no one likes them and they are isolated to certain areas.
The blacks we had out here two years ago were basically like Carlton from fresh prince
Now we are seeing the crime etc.
>thinking congress matters anyway
The federal reserve dictates how our country is governed. Not congress
I'm sure (((they))) have our best interest at heart, though.
I for one am thankful we have the jews looking out for us. After everything they've been through in the holocaust and they still want to run our government for us! How generous!
I hate niggers
Does anyone in here from VA have a contact that can let us know or pass on an image form the "criminal Hate fliers" involved?
Nah. Was a lone wolf attack. Thats a shame
you guys need to check this out
i told my parents that kids used to salute the flag like that and they freaked out on me