Message from @VenusFröst
Discord ID: 342731431451295755
I think so. You mean Cville 1.0?
Think he is taking about this one
I think they are keeping this one quiet so it doesn't get attracted
Cool, just wanted to make sure I don't let anything classified get out.
The torch rally is just for people on this server. We don't want to attract protestors to it, aka don't talk about it outside of here.
I heard rumblings about doing it at a different location. Not sure what's happening with that.
It would be amazing if we did a torch march through the center of Cville.
Lol what if we told antifa where a rally was going to be but we don't actually show up
That's a good idea. Tell them it's on the opposite side of town. Then call the cops on anybody who shows up.
But we set up some tables and Stuff to make it look like we were there
Couple shitly made posters
Srsly though, are we rallying at Darden Towes or just meeting there?
No idea I'm as lost as you are
Pretty sure that's just the meeting beforehand
To go over things
“I’m not a nigger, I’m not a nigga, I’m a king,” Vice-Mayor Wes Bellamy said
We waz kangz
Doing some light listening
Now if somebody recorded audio of the Dalton translation... 👌🏻
I already told you once to fix your face
Don't make me repeat myself
@everyone Please review footage of similar events prior to Charlottesville 2 and be prepared to defend yourself if necessary.
Be aware that Antifa are expert at escalating conflicts. This ultimately makes them look bad
Won't the no mask law be enforced?
Not wearing a mask does not grant a person increased intelligence
It does make them less brave
Should be but if the cops are overwhelmed they may noy practically be able to enforce it in all cases
No debate about their "intelligence", @Mack Albion
If they don't enforce it, we can conduct citizens arrests
Wearing a mask is a felony
We're talking about them attacking
Minnesota police didn't enforce during march against shariah--amd they were prepared