Message from @Deleted User
Discord ID: 610991629674872929
unfortunately it all came out at different times but the parts are numbered anyways
On Tavistock ^^^
Does anyone have Industrial Society and its Future?
These aren't books, but I couldn't figure out which channel would be best to put them in
Female participation in the workforce and more egalitarian beliefs are both negatively correlated with general female happiness, according to a study of a large sample of individuals from 80 countries.
Traditional marital views were found to be important to the marital satisfaction of women, combined with division of household tasks with their spouses.
Women are happier in societies with larger gaps in female education, less female leaders, and less women in the work force, according to a study of 96 countries from 1981-2010.
When women adopt less traditional gender role attitudes, their perceived marital quality declines. When men adopt less traditional attitudes, their perceived marital quality increases.
Modern sex role ideology is negatively related to marital satisfaction for women. Women who agree with the statement "women should take care of running the house and leave running the country to men" were found to be happier and have more marital success according to a meta-analysis of General Social Survey data from 1974 to 1986.
no thanks
The eternal (((non-white)))
Idk if this has been posted here before but here's Revolution
>inb4b retards try to explain why the collected works of Seethe is better
Stolen "fashwave" (if you can even call it that) from an Instagram page that I follow. However, I am sharing it because of the caption, which I believe is truly one of the most heartbreaking things to read
""National Geographic." The other day someone sent me, in the midst of a conversation, an article by National Geographic. The article was entitled, "As America Changes, Some Anxious Whites Feel Left Behind." It was further subtitled, "Demographic shifts rippling across the nation are fueling fears that their culture and standing are under threat." Obviously they frame it in simplex terms of "skin colour" as if that was the only difference, rather than in terms of ethno-cultural identity and historical belonging. But that's to be expected for such liberal outlets. Anyway, the American girl depicted in a photo from the article is named Felyssa Ricco, shown above; she is not a Southerner, but a Northerner; she and her parents proudly display the Confederate Flag alongside the American Flag nonetheless, an apparently increasingly common phenomenon among the right side of the Euro-American majority. It's an apt photo for the article that followed. It was a sombre, very sad article. The people in the article speak of suddenly finding themselves outnumbered by aliens in a small Pennsylvanian town called Hazleton, as more and more poured in— Mestizos, who were attracted to the town by prospects of factory work, whose employers don't ask questions of legal status, because illegal work is cheap work. "You just know if you go to a public event, you know you are going to be outnumbered," one interviewee states. "You know you’re going to be the minority, and do you want to go?" In 2000, the small Pennsylvanian town was 95% Euro-American. By 2016, they made up less than half of the town, having found themselves replaced. The article is thoroughly discomfiting, especially, no doubt, for American readers. But in it we see the real Dreamers, the ones who dream that they will still be able to retain their own homeland which is being torn away from them piecemeal, by legal and illegal migration."