Discord ID: 527289152371163156
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Is anyone here in a server called Redpill Repository?
Could I get the invite to it?
๐ฆ still not vetted
sorry for spam btw
That's gonna be the end of my spam for now
unfortunately it all came out at different times but the parts are numbered anyways
On Tavistock ^^^
fancy seeing you here @Qฬตฬฝอ๏ผทA๐ERD
We do
Germany's becoming based
I guess Etika couldn't get the final victory royale
All I know is aomething about a flower having 3 leaves but it's still one flower n shiet
"Only the dead have seen the end of war" -Plato
Is it legal to post quotes from Modern Warfare 2 and 3?
"A man not willing to die for something is not fit to live" -Martin Luther King Jr
>claims to be fit to live
>dies anyways
"if God exists then why bad thing happen?"
I would have to be abducted by interdimensional clockwork aliens that half look like Obama
And even then I could just say the devil is trying to trick me
You sound like a subversive
wait a minute...
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