Message from @IliasSpook

Discord ID: 642729668289757225

2019-11-09 14:15:57 UTC  

What about the white?

2019-11-09 14:16:01 UTC  

I've seen far too many race mixing relationships over here

2019-11-09 14:16:12 UTC  

Always a white girl with a black dude

2019-11-09 14:16:18 UTC  


2019-11-09 14:16:32 UTC  

I thought the Deep South was more based

2019-11-09 14:16:40 UTC  

Honor killing when?

2019-11-09 14:16:41 UTC  

It largely depends

2019-11-09 14:16:45 UTC  

On where you are

2019-11-09 14:16:52 UTC  

the libtard regions of south carolina are awful

2019-11-09 14:17:06 UTC  

Is it just trashy whites with blacks?

2019-11-09 14:17:09 UTC  


2019-11-09 14:17:10 UTC  


2019-11-09 14:17:15 UTC  

I hate movies so much

2019-11-09 14:17:27 UTC  

Thru should be executed anyway tbh @IliasSpook

2019-11-09 14:17:28 UTC  

So subversive

2019-11-09 14:17:33 UTC  

They should be executed tbh

2019-11-09 14:17:43 UTC  

You ever notice how in every movie featuring a mental institution none of the patients are actual crazy people?

2019-11-09 14:17:52 UTC  


2019-11-09 14:17:53 UTC  

They always either "misunderstood" or the meds are making them crazy

2019-11-09 14:18:00 UTC  

This one chick who kept saying she didn't find "muh white bois" attractive?

2019-11-09 14:18:14 UTC  

To the fuckin gallows

2019-11-09 14:18:22 UTC  


2019-11-09 14:19:48 UTC  

Idk if this is true but I have heard that apparently one time when someone accused William Luther Pierce of being "racist" he half-jokingly replied "I'm not racist, only whites will hang on the day of the rope".

2019-11-09 14:19:58 UTC  

Pretty funny either way

2019-11-09 14:20:01 UTC  

Not really. Look at one flew over a cuckoo's nest; a good portion of the main cast are sane, but the majority are ill. The sick just don't get as much screen time due to how the audience can't relate as much. @Lucien

2019-11-09 14:21:03 UTC  

Also, every story needs conflict and a slow recovery isn't as engaging as some one wrongly locked up.

2019-11-09 14:24:18 UTC  

Also because most major directors aren't competent enough to portray mental illness

2019-11-09 14:24:23 UTC  

in a meaningful way

2019-11-09 14:44:06 UTC  

@HadrianEtAntinous @The State hungary doesnt have bullshit leftist courses btw, foreigners who know how to speak english though get attend the uni FOR FREE

2019-11-09 14:45:17 UTC  

Thats why Debreczin has above average arabs, asians and blacks, even US mutts.

2019-11-09 15:08:50 UTC  

@yThos Well I think you just accidentally answered why there's such a race mixing problem. As we highlighted with post colonial theory and black nationalism among other things derided, a lot it isn't bullshit; a huge portion of leftist stuff is genuinely good political philosophy needed for a complete understanding of the social sciences. There's a reason we, as fascists, object to being called mere rightwingers, for we also take a lot from the left. The left isn't entirely bullshit; it can often be based, just as much as the right.

2019-11-09 15:10:54 UTC  

In fact, maybe even more so.

2019-11-09 15:11:15 UTC  

Tbh I don't get the objection to being called "right-wing". Yes, fascism does not seek to be "far-right" for the sake of being "far-right", but our values such as order, tradition, and the like are rightist as opposed to the leftist values of progressivism and egalitarianism.

2019-11-09 15:15:19 UTC  

@The State Progressivism is stupid, but on egalitarianism, don't straw man the left; Karl Marx himself wrote extensively on why equality is too vague a goal and often counterproductive and bad to pursue, even at times considering himself anti-egalitarian. Just look at the socialist maxim; different people have different needs and different people have different abilities.

2019-11-09 15:23:48 UTC  

They reject hierarchy as something inherently evil, thus they are egalitarian.

Not to mention the nature of the progressivism within leftism essentially makes the left partake in a "perpetual revolution" against even their own status quo. So long as you use "leftist" language, and don't return to whatever might be perceived as "tradition", you are good. For example, there are recorded private letters between Marx and Engels where they mocked homosexual behavior, and even more radical on that question have been a few communist thinkers. For example, I do not remember the guy's name, but there was one communist in the 20s who wrote something like "if we exterminate homosexuals, fascism will cease to exist", and others have proclaimed homosexuality to be "bourgeois decadence". However, such reasoning would not work among modern communists, who now see opposition to homosexuality as "reactionary" and "bigoted". I would not be surprised if in a decade or two, the left will adopt even more radical and strange ideas and would likely condemn certain things they condemn today as "reactionary" or "bigoted" given the perpetually revolutionary nature of their ideology. However, given that nature, whatever they turn against next will not be something leftists have fought for specifically, or something perceived of as inherently leftist, such as "anti-racism" or whatever.

2019-11-09 15:24:11 UTC  

I know that I was kind of rambling, but do you see what I mean? @HadrianEtAntinous

2019-11-09 15:27:09 UTC  

Maxim Gorky is whom you are thinking of

2019-11-09 15:29:31 UTC  

I see what you mean.

2019-11-09 15:35:16 UTC  

Also, the phrase used by Trotsky is "eternal revolution" not "perpetual revolution"

2019-11-09 16:00:06 UTC  

Tbh I wasn't even thinking about Trotskyite theory, this is just an observation of their nature

2019-11-09 16:03:56 UTC  

Though I would say that the modern leftist, even if they proclaim love of Stalin, is much more similar to Trotsky than to Stalin given how Stalin would have had some qualities they'd consider "reactionary", unlike Trotsky, or at the very least Trotsky had them to a lesser degree. Nonetheless, they likely "prefer" Stalin for the sole fact that he won out in the competition for power after the death of Lenin, and then they believe, or at least claim to believe, what Stalin said about Trotsky secretly working with "fascists" to tear down Stalin as a cope.