Message from @Aaron - VA
Discord ID: 330407419480113152
🤷🏻♂️still no white babies though
Its just that time of the month, its natural law.
I'm not even VA and I think this is getting absurd. What's the issue here?
@kristall.night Nothing
Its been a peaceful day
Until she finally spoke
Well that's what I meant. Why is shitting on Vanguard suddenly a thing?
Please stop the fighting. I'm trying to work out security plans for our speakers and it's embarassing to be bringing professionals in here while people are bickering
If only there was a simple solution
Not our fault 😂
@kristall.night No one has shit on us. Except on person
No one is being banned because I believe in free expression. Please knock off this shit
Dude listen man
She comes in here for attention so everyone gets all gassed up
Yeah just let it go
She wants you guys banned too and I told her no. Neither Vanguard or Erika is going to be banned
I'm not Vanguard
I'm deleting posts where shit is talked about anyone in this server
I've been nice since day one to her, even through direct messages. And she decides to shit on us anyways. I don't know , does it look like the right is uniting?
Not really, and thats fine
Anyway. Kessler, I think the flag burning is a brilliant idea and I think it would get a lot of positive attention from the normie right. If it's not done publicly at this event, another event should be put together for it. Have you looked through the comments on that bill nye trans song, or the YouTube fag promo? People are begging for someone to stand up and save them from this degeneracy
^^ I second this
Also, I'm putting together an after party to celebrate the attendance of the premier Alt-Right podcast members, The Alc Right Rises. PM me if you would like to attend
Please have some patience guys. You can talk about flag burning or whatever you want and no one has a right to tell you you can't. This should be a place where people can openly debate ideas
I've already said I think we should save it and do a national event with it. We could get a TON of normies onboard.
Por que no la dos
Does that mean why not both?
I definitely think we should do it at the bonfire. Just buy one through @Commander Davis (TWP) so that no liberals make any money off of you buying the flag
He can get a design of any flag printed through his manufacturer
I will acquire one yes
Just stop by your local Unitarian "church"
@MadDimension will the bonfire be streamed?
I was literally just thinking about the Unitarian flag down the street...
Our bonfire will be @kristall.night
If we're talking about flag burning, why stop at a gay pride flag? How about a commie flag? An AntiFa flag? Surely someone could steal one from the inevitable AntiFa counter-protestors.
Nah man, thats an Vanguard thing to do
You dont want to be like us, were shitty people