Message from @johncolt
Discord ID: 344881322415620096
"Cuck while you still can White man or else your children will be massacred by the masses of non-Whites"
Kyle Chapman. , accept your enslavement white man!
He doesn't know it but saying shit like that helps us redpill people
Yeah it's so head scratchingly retarded
Literally 🤔
I'm going to use that to recruit proudboys into your ranks of proudmen. I've had it with his cuckiness.
Scratch that. I just got word that Kyle fired the guy who wrote that statement.
He's still a stupid tool cuck, but whatever.
I'm pissed I donated to his bail...
At least I donated $14.88 😄
I'm told that he's moved significantly towards our side but is in a bad position because of his kids. Oops on him. Bullying him will only give him relevance he doesn't deserve though.
kyle talks about white shit all the time
he is basically a white nationalist with non white kids
so he cant ever be a part of what we do
he done goofed
he also has a broken arm
It's BS
He can ship his kids back
Honestly, it's probably just volunteers trying to ride his coat tails
In a boat with a hole in it
Haha that's his only path to redemption
Should have thought about being proud before sticking your ugly lil dangus in a brown whore
Piece of shit
Get your throat slit
Usually weak willed low self-esteem men race-mix
In modern America? That is always the case
Have a political point to make
Congrats now you are forever a race mixer
Yeah I mean the conquistadors probably had good self-esteem but in modern times race-mixing is for cucks
You have to be either extremely stupid or extremely weak
And all an argument like in the screenshot does is make me Whiter and less nationalist... if you catch my drift.
Is Kyle still coming? @wyatt
i dont think so
i dont know