Message from @PureEvilPie

Discord ID: 638377769134325760

2019-10-28 13:26:03 UTC  

Adequate signifies the bare minimum

2019-10-28 13:26:13 UTC  

Appropriate signifies more than.

2019-10-28 13:27:17 UTC  

Trying very hard to find something by reading between the lines basically

2019-10-28 13:27:24 UTC  

Pure fucking click bait right there

2019-10-28 13:27:30 UTC  

Yes, they are trying very fucking hard

2019-10-28 13:27:36 UTC  

And if you counter read hard like I did

2019-10-28 13:27:44 UTC  

You'll find that even their bit picking BS is wrong.

2019-10-28 13:27:52 UTC  

Which is why they used removed

2019-10-28 13:40:56 UTC  

Hey are we americans going to have to save you guys from the germans for the third time? I'm not mad just amused

2019-10-28 13:46:07 UTC  

The Americans didn't save us last time

2019-10-28 13:46:19 UTC  

WW1 maybe

2019-10-28 13:46:23 UTC  

Not WW2

2019-10-28 13:48:55 UTC  

WW2 was a combination of the British Navy and the Soviet Army

2019-10-28 13:49:38 UTC  

didnt the US join after germany was already defeated? they just went after japan right? when they hit pearl harbor

2019-10-28 14:00:37 UTC  

I'd say it was the other way round WW1 was pretty much won before the US got involved but they played much more of a role in WW2

2019-10-28 14:04:31 UTC  

And this is why the referendum and shit afterwards is dumb

2019-10-28 14:04:43 UTC  

A general “leave” has been manipulated to mean no deal brexit

2019-10-28 14:05:01 UTC  

And now the whole “no true Scotsman” has become the “no true brexiteer”

2019-10-28 14:05:20 UTC  

When now even nigel is being accused not being a proper leaver

2019-10-28 14:05:49 UTC  

lol.. if anything this tells us we have been too reliant on EU workers

2019-10-28 14:06:18 UTC  

It’s not the EU workers fault they get hired over the brits

2019-10-28 14:06:26 UTC  

Blame the companies who do the hiring lmao

2019-10-28 14:07:06 UTC  

breaking news.. UK doesnt have enough slaves from the EU

2019-10-28 14:07:45 UTC  

and lets face it... they arent coming from rich countries like germany and france

2019-10-28 14:10:15 UTC  

Love that about pigs in blankets, cus you can't just make your own with sausages and bacon right?

2019-10-28 14:11:35 UTC  

"its fiddly and hard to mechanise" ... is this code for... its actually cheaper to hire a bunch of eastern europeans then builda machine to do it

2019-10-28 14:16:42 UTC  

but at the end of the day... we cant possibly be expected to wrap bacon around sausages... clearly we need to cancel brexit and give control back to the EU... so they can put bacon on our sausages... also I need a polish girl to cut up my food for me... and possibly do aeroplane noises when putting food in my mouth...

2019-10-28 14:17:33 UTC  

It's quite possibly the shittest excuse not to leave I've heard so far, which is saying something

2019-10-28 14:24:06 UTC  

Now if the EU promised French maids for everyone to do their bidding I'd be more convinced.

2019-10-28 14:32:07 UTC  


2019-10-28 14:32:32 UTC  

There's a new stupidest thing I've ever seen daily

2019-10-28 14:32:54 UTC  

comment 1192 🙂

2019-10-28 14:38:27 UTC  

I'll take a shortage over an oversupply

2019-10-28 14:38:30 UTC  

My wages go up

2019-10-28 14:38:35 UTC  

My job security is up

2019-10-28 14:38:46 UTC  

And if my company goes down there are firms lined up

2019-10-28 14:39:00 UTC  

I don't care about the shortages of pigs in blankets

2019-10-28 14:45:50 UTC  

``Labour will abstain from election vote under FTPA tonight

Fresh out of Labour's shadow cabinet meeting the party is also said to recognise that a single line bill is likely to pass and that Labour MPs are not in a good place on a General Election and will refuse to vote for it.``

2019-10-28 15:03:53 UTC  

Will they vote for the other one three days from it?