Message from @Eccles
Discord ID: 639741650372919317
i m gonna poz your little neghole too @Cybel
Ban the real livid tbh
Look here goyim I am a official Hoplite of Athens and I will call discordia in here to handle you @Cybel
Not real dotty
hot af m8
Real dotty would send butt pics
With both cheeks spread
The pins are pretty good
Real dotty would kill his cat
That's a funny way of raping sexually abuse on a nightly basis
angry dotty fucks his cat
He actually uses it as a cumdumptster
I m using samaritan as my cumdumpster <:ahegao:462286952335671296>
Imagine if Labour were in power and had to institute martial law because of war or a civil breakdown. Imagine then 70 years later prosecuting any military policeman or prison/camp guard that was in service during the time because you had collective guilt over how you treated the public
By all means have some kind of process to expose the guilt, much like they do in African countries after these nasty wars, or like they did in Ireland
But don't put fucking 95yr olds in jail for doing what the fucking state told them to 70 years ago
I'm torn on my response..
It's fucking fake
I hope so.
All this anti-hate stuff is fake, from the bottom to the top, it's the same hate and authoritarianism turned in on itself and outwards on innocent people
It's gonna sound real odd to say.. but there are statutes of limitations for a reason.
Its an expression of hate in and of itself
But that's besides the point
I'm no sympathizer to the NAZIs... but there's a line there, where it's not justice anymore.
Normally in law there is a certain amount of time where after you can't be prosecuted because it'd be impossible to prove anything
its just political
Yeah, as said, statute of limitations.
Actually, as I skimmed that article (reading at first) I found myself growing sick to my stomach.
The conservatives are right to chase stability all this exists (the modern iteration of the left) because of emotional instability
Can we have that in english, Nathan?
Normal mentally stable people don't become radicals