Message from @system11

Discord ID: 638091183754706953

2019-10-27 18:52:36 UTC  

Wildly different brexit opinions? It's almost like leave meant a million different things to a million different people and that no deal wasn't what was wanted

2019-10-27 18:53:07 UTC  

Kinda like how on the leave website and from all the leading brexiteers they said norway was a good option

2019-10-27 18:53:16 UTC  

that getting a good deal was going to be easy

2019-10-27 18:53:21 UTC  

that no deal wasn't what was wanted

2019-10-27 18:53:25 UTC  

I'm convinced they're making leaving such a bitch because they're using it as a warning against any other countries who are contemplating leaving to deter them on grounds "look at that cluster-fudge" "ya really want that to happen here!?"

2019-10-27 18:53:28 UTC  

@PureEvilPie the referendums been over for years, you have to move on

2019-10-27 18:53:35 UTC  

it wasnt about the mechanism of leaving, it was people with strong opinions on remaining, or leaving, or doing what we voted to do etc - it was a segment about possible elections

2019-10-27 18:53:41 UTC  

Yea cause that's how it works dub

2019-10-27 18:54:06 UTC  

Nigel "If leave lost the vote 52-48 it is unfinished business"

2019-10-27 18:54:07 UTC  

we had staunch labour, tbp, liberal, tories all calling in. im sure hey cherry picked callers to try to get that spread

2019-10-27 18:54:21 UTC  

I'm just worried for you, your obssessed with replaying and replaying the debates of 2016

2019-10-27 18:54:23 UTC  

Cause the other half of the country just immediately disappear

2019-10-27 18:54:32 UTC  

Lol don't troll me

2019-10-27 18:54:38 UTC  

Concern trolling is cringey af

2019-10-27 18:54:53 UTC  

and the common theme on the question of elections seemed to be people very fed up with parliament, however they felt about general politics or brexit

2019-10-27 18:56:49 UTC  

Not trolling,its worrying when people get stuck in a loop, especially when it's over something like politics

2019-10-27 19:00:20 UTC  

"even though i lost the vote on A or B, my opinion on it still mattars!!!!!1111" <- actually, it doesn't. aww.

2019-10-27 19:02:31 UTC  

Cause it would be unfinished business if Leave lost. People can change their mind remember?

2019-10-27 19:03:21 UTC  

I didn’t like Tony B.lair back in the day. Even before I heard most of the sneaky shit he pulled
But I had to accept the result when he won.

2019-10-27 19:06:24 UTC  

i actually voted for him

2019-10-27 19:06:33 UTC  

in 97

2019-10-27 19:07:08 UTC  

given a time machine i would do otherwise

2019-10-27 19:09:09 UTC  

From what I hear the conservatives were just so crap at the time.
But then I was too young to really understand

2019-10-27 19:10:56 UTC  

yes they seemed rather old hat and worm out at the time, and blair seemed fresh and new, full of energy in every speech he gave.

2019-10-27 19:11:52 UTC  

of course my vote didnt matter as most in the uk dont, because i was in john majors constituency and that was never changing hands

2019-10-27 19:14:00 UTC  

Safe seats are a bummer.

2019-10-27 19:14:24 UTC  

here you go - this was blair shortly before the election

2019-10-27 19:16:29 UTC  

arrrgh diane

2019-10-27 19:18:41 UTC  

yeah sorry - should have put an abbot warning on that

2019-10-27 19:19:24 UTC  

that was before one of her brain cells killed the other one, she almost constructed a good sentence

2019-10-27 19:21:56 UTC  

Diane, before she was 20 stone

2019-10-27 20:09:09 UTC  

People's vote reminds me of double plus good tbh

2019-10-27 20:35:05 UTC  

Speaking of 1984.....

2019-10-27 20:35:27 UTC  


2019-10-27 20:53:38 UTC  

good shit. wonder if she's even read it

2019-10-27 21:16:38 UTC  

Speaking of Hillary and 1984

2019-10-27 21:20:26 UTC  

Uh oh ...I got retweeted by a right wing liberal youtuber :/

2019-10-27 21:20:40 UTC  

bigot smdh