Message from @Weez

Discord ID: 627656878599438347

2019-09-29 00:01:10 UTC  

"In addition, the impugned statements had not been phrased in a neutral manner aimed at being an objective contribution to a public debate concerning child marriages but rather amounted to a generalisation without factual basis."

2019-09-29 00:01:12 UTC  


2019-09-29 00:01:19 UTC  

"Muh freedom of speech!"

2019-09-29 00:01:48 UTC  

"Thus, by considering them as going beyond the permissible limits of an objective debate and classifying them as an abusive attack on the Prophet of Islam, which was capable of stirring up prejudice and putting at risk religious peace, the domestic courts had come to the conclusion that the facts at issue contained elements of incitement to religious intolerance. They had thereby put forward relevant and sufficient reasons and had not overstepped their – wide – margin of appreciation."

2019-09-29 00:02:11 UTC  

Here is a better one

2019-09-29 00:02:13 UTC  

That last one is where I draw the line.

2019-09-29 00:02:16 UTC  

Cain killed Abel

2019-09-29 00:02:20 UTC  

Im a criminal

2019-09-29 00:02:22 UTC  

an abusive attack on the prophet of islam. so, blasphemy then.

2019-09-29 00:02:40 UTC  

In this instance, no @Joshu

2019-09-29 00:02:49 UTC  


2019-09-29 00:02:50 UTC  

"Capable of stirring up prejudice."

2019-09-29 00:02:55 UTC  

The bible isnt evidence

2019-09-29 00:02:57 UTC  

The context

2019-09-29 00:03:00 UTC  

I have defamed cain

2019-09-29 00:03:21 UTC  

moses killed the midianites

2019-09-29 00:03:31 UTC  

You're not holding a seminar, claiming to be an "expert" on the religion, where the wording of the title of said seminar implies fact.

2019-09-29 00:03:40 UTC  

That's the difference

2019-09-29 00:04:00 UTC  

Right so if I held a seminar, as an expert, say a priest.

2019-09-29 00:04:07 UTC  

its not actually illegal to misrepresent history in an essay or lesson

2019-09-29 00:04:21 UTC  

If you lied / defamed someone that would be against the law. Yes.

2019-09-29 00:04:22 UTC  

The seminar is typical religious BS like "God is truth" or something

2019-09-29 00:04:29 UTC  

and then read from the bible

2019-09-29 00:04:36 UTC  

Stating that Cain did in fact kill abel

2019-09-29 00:04:41 UTC  

Lying isn't against the law.

2019-09-29 00:04:45 UTC  

I can now be arrested for preaching the religion

2019-09-29 00:04:58 UTC  

Defamation is.

2019-09-29 00:05:26 UTC  

defamation of a historical religious figure?

2019-09-29 00:05:29 UTC  

Again, read for it yourself

2019-09-29 00:05:32 UTC  

but Muhammad is not pressing charge

2019-09-29 00:05:35 UTC  

Should imams be arrested for preaching Muhammed had sex with kids?

2019-09-29 00:05:43 UTC  

When put in the context it was in, yes. @system11

2019-09-29 00:05:47 UTC  

Which you can read in there.

2019-09-29 00:05:49 UTC  

They are creating blasphemy laws

2019-09-29 00:05:56 UTC  

and not even that

2019-09-29 00:05:59 UTC  

Under very specific conditions?

2019-09-29 00:05:59 UTC  


2019-09-29 00:06:01 UTC  

laws against even preaching

2019-09-29 00:06:08 UTC  

Conditions hardly anyone will meet, ever?

2019-09-29 00:06:09 UTC  
