Message from @UnfilteredGarbage

Discord ID: 628239977645604906

2019-09-30 07:16:18 UTC  

What is really behind the crisis in Haiti?
Decades of neoliberalism, neocolonialism and now climate injustice have pushed Haiti to the brink.

2019-09-30 07:16:55 UTC  

Haitian Foreign Minister calls for development reboot to close ‘striking gap’ between promises and action on ending poverty

2019-09-30 07:17:15 UTC  

Haiti unrest: Shops and police station looted as thousands protest

2019-09-30 07:20:41 UTC  

Putin: Maybe Jews or minorities behind US election interference
Updated 6:50 AM ET, Mon March 12, 2018

2019-09-30 07:57:29 UTC  

hate crime! <:npc:502497359419408384>

2019-09-30 08:45:17 UTC  

[Jerusalem Post > Israel News]
A president's budget allows the White House to lay out its priorities for the year but is not legally binding.
> <>
[WORLD NEWS] FEBRUARY 27, 2018 / 7:20 PM / 2 YEARS AGO
Key U.S. lawmakers want to boost Israel's $38 billion defense aid package
> <>
The mission of AIPAC is to strengthen, protect and promote the U.S.-Israel relationship in ways that enhance the security of the United States and Israel.
> <>

2019-09-30 09:02:19 UTC  

i mean... theres huge tariffs on china and its bringing in jobs

2019-09-30 09:04:08 UTC  

see it as the same shit of 'but its 10billion for a wall, what is he crazy?!'

2019-09-30 09:04:21 UTC  

The mental stability from leftist...

Antifa protesters scream at & block elderly couple outside an event featuring conservative politician @ MaximeBernier & @ RubinReport. Further violence broke out, leading to two arrests. Mohawk College had faced massive campaign to cancel the event.

2019-09-30 09:11:11 UTC  

The impeachment inquiry: "We could not ignore what the president did."
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy and House Intelligence Chair Adam Schiff talk with Scott Pelley about the impeachment inquiry of President Trump

2019-09-30 09:15:08 UTC  

GOP lawmaker blasts Trump for quoting pastor warning of civil war over impeachment

2019-09-30 11:03:48 UTC  

A few less genes predisposed to helping immigrants in the genepool now

2019-09-30 11:34:07 UTC  

Where's the "I disavow" Sargon emote?

2019-09-30 14:29:49 UTC  

Holy fuck BASED Putin naming the American Jew

2019-09-30 14:40:43 UTC  


2019-09-30 14:41:04 UTC  

A fleet of attack helicopters piloted by Thai ladyboys

2019-09-30 14:41:08 UTC  


2019-09-30 14:41:22 UTC  

All of SEA is going to be buying up American military material as China gets more and more aggressive in the region
Apparently they just bought 60 Strykers too

2019-09-30 15:37:34 UTC  

Thailand preparing to defend their waters from the Chinese. Again.

2019-09-30 15:39:33 UTC  


2019-09-30 15:44:31 UTC  

*"Medical Student, Audrey Coignard, 27, was stabbed to death on September 16th allegedly by a man believed to be an immigrant and ex-partner who was staying at her home."*
...she was quite young for a batikhäxa.

2019-09-30 15:46:23 UTC  

And if you don't know what a batikhäxa is:

2019-09-30 15:47:20 UTC  

Because these women who help rapefugees often have legal power over their protegees. They are rapists.

2019-09-30 15:49:22 UTC  

I'm going to make the argument that Audrey Coignard was killed by her victim **in self-defense**. Even if she was stabbed in her sleep, it would still be "self-defense" as standards set up by feminists for what actions a victim is allowed to take when they feel too anguished to leave an abusive relationship.

2019-09-30 15:51:06 UTC  

*"Former medical student at the University of Caen, she was also very committed to migrants from Caen and Ouistreham “she helped and treated.”"*
...including taking care of "sexual emergencies" as well.

2019-09-30 15:51:34 UTC  

Sponge bath!

2019-09-30 15:51:39 UTC  

*"Colleagues of the young woman greet “an adorable woman” and a professional “who invested 300% in everything in which she believed”."* you client... yeah, quite close to 300% dedication.

2019-09-30 17:18:27 UTC  

Good, we need a new wave of trust-busting

2019-09-30 17:19:22 UTC  

Make Google responsible for editorializing search results and let the wave of legal percussions for failing to "protect" the chilluns from pornography do the busting for us

2019-09-30 17:56:21 UTC  

ADL focuses on BOWL CUTS and OK gesture

2019-09-30 18:04:01 UTC  

I can agree with ADL that bowl cut is a hate crime.
It's a crime against the child and against fashion sense. Nothing racist, though.

2019-09-30 18:08:30 UTC  

Bowl cuts encourage bullying

2019-09-30 18:08:49 UTC  

Thus hateful

2019-09-30 18:55:34 UTC  

Who cares about the ADL?

2019-09-30 18:59:27 UTC
Once again another example of why "hate crimes" are the worst concept to exist since Ben Affleck was Batman.

2019-09-30 19:02:55 UTC  

@Aquila Fiacra "journalists"