Message from @Spoon3r TVS
Discord ID: 624341155097739275
most people don't really see a potential partner in anyone under like 4.5/10
not even desperate ones
that's what they use hookers for
applies to about everything desperation-like, not just thirst
this is going to sound really shallow but lift heavy weight and eat rice and meat.
@gammongaming fuck is it? Lol, I got got
exercise does crazy things to how you look.
most incels aren't gonna take any note of that tho
i was exercising to lose weight... and then my achilles' tendon didn't feel like cooperating no more >:[
They're incels because they're unwilling to better themselves
@Sectator Pragmaticam Lex eat less
already doing that
do things that put less stress on your knees, try swimming, biking or kettelbells.
but weight loss via eating less is SLOW, also doesn't do squat about flabbyness
kettelbells in general are great for burning fat and increasing overall strength
i actually done a really good medical diet for about two weeks a few years back
lost about 8 kilos (22 pounds) in two weeks
that is curve back weight tho
fucking no
Iunno it can be pretty fast if you do it right. I dropped from needing new pants to needing new pants in about 6 months via diet alone last year.
@Spoon3r TVS managed to keep it for 3 years now, so nothing wrong with it
isn't 4 kilos a week *too* fast a weight loss? as in that weight's gonna come back with a vengeance
it's so wrong
it's not 4 kilos a week
it's 1 kilo the first week
it depends on your starting weight, the bigger you are the easier it is to lose.
then about 5 in the second
and 2 after you start eating normally
that's 6
since it's processing
normally here means not like a pig
Uh actually usually diet is really fast in the weight number department at the start
but really slow after
and it's because you first lose a ton of water weight from glucose stores
worked like this for me