Message from @Redxl

Discord ID: 627845911019782145

2019-09-29 12:30:34 UTC  

Assuming law and order breaks down, Scale_E, and I don't believe it will

2019-09-29 12:30:49 UTC  

Fucking doomer talk.

2019-09-29 12:31:07 UTC  

Even if established authorities end, people will still form some degree of order.

2019-09-29 12:31:31 UTC  

bring oswald mosley back from the dead tbh

2019-09-29 12:31:34 UTC  

The people who survive will be the ones prepared to kill and eat their neighbors.
That’s how terrible the world is going to be if the shit hits the fan that hard.

2019-09-29 12:31:45 UTC  

It won't

2019-09-29 12:31:51 UTC  

It could.

2019-09-29 12:31:52 UTC  

Prions no joke mang

2019-09-29 12:31:54 UTC  

I live in the countryside, I'm used to working with my hands, and taking care of things. I'll be fine as long as i can convince those around me to band together, and viola make shift community.

2019-09-29 12:32:25 UTC  

There is a fine band of probability that it could fall sufficiently hard to result what you describe, and not so hard that all are wiped out

2019-09-29 12:32:41 UTC  

Generally only like to be found in the event of a nuclear holocaust

2019-09-29 12:32:59 UTC  

And I'm s... Not willing to live in our current comfortable climate. No real loss for me, just motivation.

2019-09-29 12:33:06 UTC  

Humans have an innate desire to form communities, especially after/during traumatic events. This is also assuming how long the duration of chaos lasts and there are enough survivors.

2019-09-29 12:33:31 UTC  

@Vander Loonéy There will be a giant horde, literally millions of people, leaving the cities, stripping the entire countryside clean. It doesn’t matter how good you are at agriculture, or how many good ol’ boys you’ve got guarding ur ranch.
You’re all going to die and your bones will be picked clean.

2019-09-29 12:33:46 UTC  

Ah, but there's my goal. Survive to cause more chaos, and ensure the end.

2019-09-29 12:34:03 UTC  

If the event was that catastrophic, there won't be giant hordes, there'll be remnants of survivors

2019-09-29 12:34:14 UTC  

One concerning variable are pockets of mass population that rely on imports to sustain themselves.

2019-09-29 12:34:38 UTC  

The cities will their themselves apart before they can form the horde

2019-09-29 12:34:58 UTC  

Try number three, go.

2019-09-29 12:35:14 UTC  

The horde will happen *as the cities burn*.

2019-09-29 12:35:30 UTC  

It really depends on how fast the event is and how large the loss of life.

2019-09-29 12:35:41 UTC  

Again, assuming the causing event was sufficiently catastrophic to destroy city infrasture, but not cause mass casualties

2019-09-29 12:35:51 UTC  

Well, there's an irrational horde, and an organized horde

2019-09-29 12:35:54 UTC  

No electricity.

2019-09-29 12:36:00 UTC  

That’s all is required

2019-09-29 12:36:10 UTC  

I think it will be large, most city people think food comes from the supermarket magically, not even kidding.

2019-09-29 12:36:19 UTC  

And if I were to form a horde, it shall scream "WAAAGH!!!" quite constantly while doing harm.

2019-09-29 12:36:38 UTC  

No electricity for 2-3 weeks, and genuine fear that it’s not going to return.
Complete anarchy.
Cities burn.
The horde is formed.

2019-09-29 12:36:41 UTC  

The food and electricity will all be short-term.

2019-09-29 12:36:57 UTC  

Greta's parents should be tried for child neglect and abuse, change my mind <:pepe:312704217028493312>

2019-09-29 12:37:07 UTC  

We're creatures of nature, we have survival instincts for a reason

2019-09-29 12:37:26 UTC  

Folks, I got some replica samurai swords for decoration but the wooden sheaths got symbols on them.

What language is it, and what does it mean?

2019-09-29 12:37:28 UTC  

>Thinking the army wont intervene

2019-09-29 12:37:34 UTC  

Any serious event and cities go into martial law

2019-09-29 12:37:43 UTC  

Army on the streets, nobody gets in or out

2019-09-29 12:37:53 UTC

2019-09-29 12:37:56 UTC  

Any serious event and I re-enlist, rather be on the winning team than with you peasants <:pepelaugh:544857300179877898>

2019-09-29 12:38:06 UTC  

But Weez. What if the army _does_ interevene... On _both sides!?_

2019-09-29 12:38:07 UTC  

Scenario, earlier posted:

Most likely, it’ll start with rioting due to *yet another sjw knee-jerk reaction to something*.
That will spiral more and more violent as the police adopt more and more of a “hands off” approach to the riot.
Eventually cities will start burning and martial law will be declared, but by then it will be too late, the riots will have gained too much momentum. To stop them they’ll have to start a severe crackdown.
When this happens, people will die. There’ll be crys of “oh shit son, tienanmin square up in this mofo!”
Groups of rioters will begin to become more organized, eventually performing organized raids on police and military.
The more successful ones will be the groups that organize large crowds of unarmed protesters, and funnel them towards military checkpoints. They’ll throw a few Molotovs, set off some fireworks, and wait for the inevitable bloodbath.
Every time this happens the news will show “evil government forces oppressing unarmed protestors”
The activists groups will grow.
This will spiral nation wide.
The US will fall into complete anarchy.

2019-09-29 12:38:31 UTC  

@Naantje It means "cheap non authentic crap"

2019-09-29 12:38:32 UTC  

Christ if you're gonna copypaste something, make it less of a wall the second time