Message from @Grok

Discord ID: 604058937951649832

2019-07-25 21:13:12 UTC  

Boris Johnson

2019-07-25 21:13:20 UTC  

Boris has very carefully crafted that image

2019-07-25 21:13:22 UTC  

It’s all fake

2019-07-25 21:13:23 UTC  

cries to whom

2019-07-25 21:13:25 UTC

2019-07-25 21:13:28 UTC  

Which image?

2019-07-25 21:13:29 UTC  

He even messes up his hair on purpose

2019-07-25 21:13:39 UTC  

Every mask we wear is fake

2019-07-25 21:13:41 UTC  

you're telling me the PM is less powerful then the Guardian? False

2019-07-25 21:13:46 UTC  

He cultivates the image, but he didn't fake it

2019-07-25 21:13:49 UTC  

He is

2019-07-25 21:14:02 UTC  

You have a bunch of working class people thinking Boris is relatable

2019-07-25 21:14:04 UTC

2019-07-25 21:14:06 UTC  

When he’s a privately educated

2019-07-25 21:14:11 UTC  

Incredibly posh

2019-07-25 21:14:14 UTC  

Privileged dude

2019-07-25 21:14:16 UTC  

Nah, they just find him amusing and personable

2019-07-25 21:14:20 UTC  

Who isn’t relatable in the slightest

2019-07-25 21:14:32 UTC  

But he’s brainwashed the working class into thinking he’s one of them

2019-07-25 21:14:33 UTC  

all politicians are like that lol

2019-07-25 21:14:33 UTC  

Hot Dog Sandwich

2019-07-25 21:14:38 UTC  

dunno what youre bitching about

2019-07-25 21:14:39 UTC  

He hasn't brainwashed anyone, dear

2019-07-25 21:14:57 UTC  

The only good thing he did was stop and search

2019-07-25 21:14:58 UTC  

I don't know anyone who is working class who doesn't think he's a priveleged cunt

2019-07-25 21:15:08 UTC  

Yet they still think he's a bit of a laugh and a breath of fresh air

2019-07-25 21:15:10 UTC  

The rest of his initiatives were failures

2019-07-25 21:15:14 UTC  

Let's put it a different way

2019-07-25 21:15:29 UTC  

dont go both ways

2019-07-25 21:15:30 UTC  

If you don't like Boris, you should encourage your own side to stop being so fucking shit

2019-07-25 21:15:37 UTC  

So much money wasted on bridges that never even started construction

2019-07-25 21:15:49 UTC  

why people say that ukip is done

2019-07-25 21:15:51 UTC  

I don't like Boris and i'm not fond of the Tories, but at this point i'll take anyone who'll get the fucking job done

2019-07-25 21:16:34 UTC  

Boris is pissing off all the right people, and while I have no confidence he would, or could, deliver on any of the things he said, it's better than what else was on offer

2019-07-25 21:16:51 UTC  

So for now he has my conditional and temporal support

2019-07-25 21:16:53 UTC  

@spooky ducc a little similar to mine

2019-07-25 21:17:38 UTC  


2019-07-25 21:17:55 UTC  

He's not coming back

2019-07-25 21:18:12 UTC  

why am I only 1.4% less authoritarian than the average person 😦

2019-07-25 21:18:17 UTC  

The chosen one will return